Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2023, № 105

UDC: 633.491:631.527
GSNTI: 68.35.13

Evaluation of the late blight resistance among the potato hybrids derived from Dun

Late blight is one of the main problems of potato industry. Chemical treatments are not the best solution of problem because of environment pollution and potato product expensive increase. Interspecific hybridization with the wild Solanum species is an efficient way to increase the resistance to this disease. Potato cultivars, which are interspecies hybrids, can be grown with minimal use of fungicides and it will be useful for the environment preservation. To solve this problem, new sources of resistance are needed. In this study we investigated resistance of three hybrid populations derived from crosses of resistant hybrid ЛГ8.16/3 with susceptible potato variety Saicai 35 and resistant cultivar Sarpo mira. ЛГ8.16/3 is one sample selected among Fprogeny of crossing between hybrid S. bulbocastanum (2n=48) ½ S. vernei (2n=48) and cultivar Charoit. The seedlings of three hybrid populations were exposed to artificial infection and field assessment to compare the level of late blight resistance. For these trials the field population of Phytophthora infestans have been used. The artificial infection revealed more resistant plants within all three hybrid populations, than under field assessment. As a result of artificial infection there were found 42 seedlings of three hybrid populations (among 215 seedlings) without late blight spots damage. And under field assessment - only one such seedling among the hybrids ЛГ8.16/3 x Sarpo mira was found. But 123 seedlings had only single or some few little spots of late blight damage, and this is rather high level of resistance too. Results shoved the efficiency of hybrid ЛГ8.16/3 as the late blight resistance source. Within each segregating hybrid population the selection of resistant plants was possible. S. bulbocastanum hybrids can be used in breeding programs for the hybridization even with susceptible cultivars, characterized other useful characteristics.
Keywords: Interspecies hybrids, hybrid populations, seedlings, artificial infection, field assessment, Phytophthora infestans.
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-105-224-228


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  1. Lebedeva Vera Aleksandrovna, DSc in Agriculture, Leningrad SRIA “Belogorka” - branch of the FSBSI "A.G. Lorkha FRC Potatoes".
  2. Gadzhiev Nadim Makhish ogly, Phd in Agryculture, Leningrad SRIA “Belogorka” - branch of the FSBSI "A.G. Lorkha FRC Potatoes".