Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2023, № 105

UDC: 631.523
GSNTI: 34.23.57

The investigation of genetiс diversity of lupine (L.) species using SRAP markers

Lupine is a valuable forage, food and green manure crop. At present a large quantity of the new varieties are developed annually, and the problem of their identification and certification is very actual. In the current study we analyzed 25 lupine samples of different species to evaluate genetic polymorphism for the next differentiation and certification. Total genome DNA was isolated using a modified SDS method from summary plant sample of 30 seedlings per one accession. As a result of the preliminary analysis of 12 SRAP combinations we selected five informative ones that were amplifying variety-specific DNA profiles or unique amplicons. Using these markers 267 reproducible PCR-products were generated, with 2.6% of unique for some samples. For statistical analysis "Image Lab" and "PopGene" software were used. UPGMA-dendrogram of genetic relationship, based on the binary matrices, was constructed, which divided lupins samples on the clusters according to their species. In the narrow-leaved lupine cluster variety Phazan was located in the separate group. SRAP markers for differentiation of lupin species and varieties were identified.
Keywords: Lupine, SRAP analysis, genetic diversity, DNA polymorphism, variety identification.
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-105-173-179


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  1. Dushkin Vladimir Aleksandrovich, Master, FSBSI "Williams FRC of Forage Production and Agroecology".
  2. Shamustakimova Anastasiya Olegovna, Master, FSBSI "Williams FRC of Forage Production and Agroecology".
  3. Klimenko Irina Aleksandrovna, PhD in Agriculture, FSBSI "Williams FRC of Forage Production and Agroecology".