Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2023, № 105

UDC: 338.43.02:338.436.33
GSNTI: 34.33.15, 34.35.25, 68.37.13

Polymorphism of domestic rice varieties on morphological features associated with the efficiency of photosynthesis

In the last ten years, more and more attention in assessing the germplasm has been given to the parameters of the photosynthesis system of plants of various taxa, since the relationship between its parameters, stability and plasticity of breeding material has been proven for many agricultural crops. Its influence on adaptability to biotic and abiotic stresses has been shown, and it has been established that efficient photosynthesis reduces the influence of stress factors and thereby increases yield under stress. The dimensions of the upper leaves are most important, since they make the main contribution to photosynthesis during grain filling and, consequently, the productivity of the panicle. The purpose of the work: to study the variability of domestic rice varieties according to the traits that determine the morphotype and architectonics of crops, the correlations between the traits. Sowing was carried out in 9 meter lysimeters filled with soil. Two repetitions of the experiment were placed in each lysimeter. To identify the possible variability of cultivar traits under different agroecological conditions, the conditions in lysimeters were different. In all the studied varieties, the presence of both intra-varietal polymorphism and inter-varietal differences in all studied traits and significant differences between the samples were established. Broad trait polymorphism allows efficient selection. The greatest range of variation in trait was noted for the internode between the 2nd and third leaves. Varieties Zhemchuzhina, Yakhont, Natasha can be a source on the basis of the length of internodes. The length of the flag leaf in the studied cultivars varied from 15 to 27 cm, its width from 0.7 to 1.5 cm, the length of the panicle from 14 to 25 cm. The longest leaves were in the cultivars Anait, Mars, and Tango. The maximum width of the leaf in the varieties Severny, Gamma, Diamant. Panicle length was maximum in varieties Zhemchuzhina, Mars and Verba. The study of correlations between the traits of productivity and the size of photosynthetic organs showed the presence of such between: the width of the flag leaf and the traits the number of spikelets on the panicle, the mass of the main panicle and the mass of the grain of the main panicle; stem diameter and traits number of spikelets per panicle, weight of the main panicle and grain weight of the main panicle, grain weight per plant; plant height and length of internodes, flag leaf, main panicle, but this dependence is not high from 0.31 to 0.42, which indicates the possibility of effective selection; The flag leaf width and stem diameter are also interrelated, the correlation coefficient is 0.46.
Keywords: Rice, varieties, polymorphism, morphological features, photosynthesis efficiency.
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-105-157-164


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  1. Goncharova Yulia Konstantinovna, DSc in Biology, Head of the Laboratory, FGBNU "Federal Research Center of Rice"; "Aratay" LLC.
  2. Goncharov Sergey Vladimirovich, DSc in Biology, Head of the Department, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “I.T. Trubilin Kuban State Agrarian University”.
  3. Chicharova Evgenia Evgenievna, junior researcher, FSBSI "Federal Scientific Center of Rice".
  4. Simanova Victoria Vasilievna, PhD in Agriculture, FSBSI "Federal Scientific Center of Rice".