Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2023, № 105

UDC: 582.28:581.9
GSNTI: 34.27.17

Identification of fungi of the genus Spp. in the south of Russia

Mushrooms of the genus Fusarium (Fusarium) have a wide variety of species and ways of life. They can cause significant damage to crops, causing plant death and reduced yields. The study of Fusariums is of great scientific and practical importance for the development of methods for controlling and preventing their reproduction. Root rot and tracheomycosis vascular wilt are the two main plant diseases of Fusarium. They can infect plants at any stage of development. The fungus F. oxysporum, which causes tracheomycosis wilt, is especially dangerous. Such diseases cause great damage to agriculture, destroying crops and deteriorating the quality of plants. In the process of evolution, fungi have developed the ability to modify mycelium depending on environmental conditions, this fact complicates the process of establishing species. Rational management of agrocenoses is difficult without accurate identification of pathogens of agricultural crops, including fusarium pathogens. The aim of our research is the identification of fungi of the genus Fusarium spp. To achieve this goal, the following tasks were solved: an assessment of the totality of macromorphological (cultural) and micromorphological features was carried out; determination of the degree of pathogenicity, virulence and aggressiveness in isolated samples of the fungus. The material for the study was the affected plants of white cabbage. As a result of microscopy of the mycelium from the affected areas, several species of fungi of the Fusarium genus were presumably identified and numbered (No. 3 and No. 5). The mycelium was spread onto potato media to isolate a pure culture. To determine the pathogenic properties and virulence of these species, the vegetative organs of cabbage (leaf) hybrids were inoculated with agar blocks. On samples infected with species No. 3, signs of chlorosis, maceration, darkening of the veins, wilting and necrosis of the leaves were observed. Microscopy of the affected areas and assessment of the degree of damage confirms the similarity of the signs with the disease tracheomycosis vascular (fusarium) wilt, which allows us to attribute the species we isolated to the species F. oxysporum.
Keywords: Fungi, Fusarium spp, white cabbage, identification, inoculation, microscopy.
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-105-150-156


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  1. Goverdovskaya Maria Dmitrievna, junior researcher, FSBSI "Federal Research Center of Rice".
  2. Reshetko Daria Gennadievna, researcher, FSBSI "Federal Research Center of Rice".
  3. Bragina Olesya Anatolyevna, PhD in Biology, FSBSI "Federal Research Center of Rice".