Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2023, № 105

UDC: 631.527:633.853.494(470)
GSNTI: 68.35.37

The state and prospects of development of rapeseed breeding and seed production in the North-West of Russia

The article presents the main directions and results of breeding work on spring rape in the Leningrad Research Agriculture Institute Branch of Russian Potato Research Centre. The characteristics of the «00» and «+0» type varieties created at the Institute are given. The purpose of the research is to identify new genotypes that meet the requirements for new varieties: forming the yield of oilseeds at the level of 3.8-4.5 t/ha, medium-ripened (95-106 days), resistant to lodging (4-5 points), shedding (4-5 points), containing in seeds up to 47% fat, up to 24% protein, erucic acid and glucosinolates up to 1%, adapted to soil and climatic conditions of the North-The Western region of the Russian Federation. As a result of research in the period 2020-2022 years a promising breeding material has been identified, forming a seed yield of 1.61-1.82 t/ha on 104-106 days of vegetation, resistant to lodging (4.67-4.91 points), shedding (4.75-4.91 points), containing 41.8-44.8% fat, 20.1-22.4% protein, oleic and linoleic acid in the seeds in total 75.6-84.1%, erucic acid up to 1%, glucosinolates up to 15.0 mmol/g, suitable for creating «00» type varieties. The characteristics of the new variety Oredezh 7, transferred to the State variety testing, are presented. The scheme of primary seed production are given.
Keywords: Rape, selection, variety, stability, productivity, seed production.
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-105-130-137


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  1. Bekish Lyubov Petrovna, PhD in Biology, leading researcher, Leningrad SRIA “Belogorka” - branch of the FSBSI "A.G. Lorkha FRC Potatoes".
  2. Uspenskaya Valentina Avdeeva, senior researcher, Leningrad SRIA “Belogorka” - branch of the FSBSI "A.G. Lorkha FRC Potatoes".
  3. Chashin Denis Oktiabrevich, junior research assistant, Leningrad SRIA “Belogorka” - branch of the FSBSI "A.G. Lorkha FRC Potatoes".