Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2023, № 105

UDC: 632.911.2
GSNTI: 68.03.07

Diversity of micromycetes in the rhizosphere of tomato and cucumber plants affected by gall nematodes in the Krasnodar Territory

The research was carried out in 2022 at the experimental base of the Laboratory of Biorational Means and Plant Protection Technologies for Ecological, Resource-Saving and Organic Agriculture, FSBSI FRCBPP, Krasnodar. The aim of the research: to isolate native nematophagous fungi from the rhizosphere of vegetable crops (cucumber and tomato) affected by gall nematodes for further research to determine their nematicidal activity against Meloidogyne spp. The severity of damage with these phytoparasites is a threat to the food security of the country. A range of nematicides approved for the use on the territory of the Russian Federation is not enough to solve the existing problem. In the course of phytosanitary monitoring of tomato and cucumber plants in various soil and climatic zones of the Krasnodar Territory, from plants with signs of damage by the nematodes Meloidogyne spp. 15 fungal strains were isolated and described, with the identification of the genus: Aspergillus spp., Metarhizium spp., Trichoderma spp., Penicillium sp., Paecilomyces sp. and Beauveria sp, for further assessment of their nematicidal activityity.
Keywords: Fungi, microflora, rhizosphere, root gall nematodes, biological method.
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-105-101-110


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  1. Nekoval Svetlana Nikolayevna, PhD in Bioloigy, Laboratory Head, FSBScI “Federal Scientific Centre for Biological Plant Protection”.
  2. Khasanova Ekaterina Alexandrovna, junior researcher, FSBScI “Federal Scientific Centre for Biological Plant Protection”.
  3. Churikova Arina Konstantinovna, researcher, FSBScI “Federal Scientific Centre for Biological Plant Protection”.
  4. Chernyakovich Maxim Nikolayevich, laboratory assistant-researcher, FSBScI “Federal Scientific Centre for Biological Plant Protection”.
  5. Maskalenko Oksana Alexandrovna, researcher, FSBScI “Federal Scientific Centre for Biological Plant Protection”.