Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2023, № 104

UDC: 631.474.52
GSNTI: 68.05.01

Investigation of the dunamics of the municipalities Anapa and Gelendzhik soil cover structure, composition and properties to determine their grape suitability

The results of soil cover structure study on the plots planned for vineyards planting are presented. The limiting soil factors affecting the growth of vine plantations are considered. A detailed soil study of the plots proposed as possible for laying vineyards allowed identification of the following soils on the territory under consideration in Gelendzhik and Anapa: soddy-carbonate typical low-humus low-power stony soils in varying degrees (area 11.30 ha), soddy-soil gleyey (area 0.37 ha), black southern carbonate mochakovatye (area 10.31 ha), southern black soils strongly brackish strongly soline (area 16.00 ha). According to the data of field soil survey and laboratory research of samples of the considered soils, their unsuitability for the cultivation of vineyards has been revealed. Low potential fertility of sod-carbonate soils has been established, which is due to the high content of active carbonates, stoniness, insufficient thickness of the humus layer, low moisture supply. The inexpediency of using soils of the plots for planting vineyards justify the following indicators: low moisture availability, low thickness of the loose thickness, high content of active carbonates and content of toxic forms of (ferrous) iron. The presence of unfavorable chemical composition and water-physical properties for the planned establishment of vineyards was established in the southern carbonate loam chernozems. It was found that the southern carbonate strongly brackish strongly saline chernozems are unsuitable for use under the placement of perennial plantations, especially vineyards, due to the presence of such unfavorable indicators as the low thickness of the loose thickness, high content of active carbonates and toxic salts. The necessity of detailed soil survey before establishing vineyards, as well as the validity of assigning lands to grape-desirable has been proved.
Keywords: Grape-lands, establishing of vineyards, dynamics of soil cover, limiting factors, morphological features, carbonation, humus reserves.
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-104-59-65


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  1. Vlasenko Valery Petrovich, DSc in Agriculture, professor, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “I.T. Trubilin Kuban State Agrarian University”.
  2. Bykova Marina Vladimirovna, PhD student, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “I.T. Trubilin Kuban State Agrarian University”.