Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2023, № 103

UDC: 338.24
GSNTI: 06.52.13

Theoretical and methodological aspects of the project management organization in the conditions of the Russian Federation agricultural market economic conjuncture instability

At present, modern economic entities of the market economy are implementing a large number of various types and composition of projects (investment, innovation, production, organizational and managerial, marketing, information, small, medium, large, etc.). The implementation of the latter is associated with a variety of risks and uncertainty factors, which requires management to develop effective tools for managing them, such is the project management. Without the implementation of effective projects, a market business entity will not be able to maintain the necessary level of financial solvency, profitability, will not be able to effectively develop and compete in the market. Thus, all this proves the relevance of the increment of scientific project management in the utilitarian sector of modern entrepreneurship and public administration. Often, company managers do not have a clear understanding of the theoretical and methodological foundations of project management. In particular, its essence, content part, signs, principles of construction, basic elements, criteria of system and objectivity, mechanisms and scenarios of implementation remain not worked out properly, which creates prerequisites for the emergence of additional risks in terms of the practice of applying the latter in a real business environment or the system of state management. Research shows that many top managers have only general and conditional ideas about the construction of models and mechanisms of project management and in companies these approaches are used either quite limitedly, or they exist only in a regulatory format. Thus, the main features of the project in a competitive environment were identified; the main activities that can be considered in the context of the "project" category were noted; the main components of the project management system were introduced; the basic elements of project management in the conditions of competitive struggle are highlighted; the composition of the mechanism for managing the project activity of the organization is substantiated; schemes-options for the implementation of project management of the organization are considered.
Keywords: Project management, management, conjuncture, risks, mechanisms, agribusiness market, efficiency, competition.
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-103-61-70


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  1. Kotarev Alexander Vyacheslavovich, PhD in Economics, associate professor, FSBEI HE “Voronezh State Agrarian University named after Emperor Peter I”.
  2. Slepokurova Yulia Ivanovna, PhD in Biology, associate professor, FSBEI HE “Voronezh State University of Engineering Technologies”.
  3. Shaykin Dmitry Vasilyevich, PhD in Economics, doctoral student, FSBEI HE “Voronezh State University of Engineering Technologies”.
  4. Kuksin Sergey Vladimirovich, PhD in Economics, associate professor, FSBEI HE “Voronezh State Agrarian University named after Emperor Peter I”.
  5. Kotareva Alena Olegovna, PhD in Economics, associate professor, FSBEI HE “Voronezh State Agrarian University named after Emperor Peter I”.