Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2023, № 103

UDC: 631.527:633.15
GSNTI: 68.35.03

Ecological plasticity and stability evaluation in new corn hybrids

The identification of optimal production conditions is an integral part of the new corn hybrids breeding. The results of these studies make it possible to use new hybrids not only in the areas of their direct creation, but also to promote them to other areas that are more suitable for cultivation conditions, which in turn will optimize production and reduce unnecessary costs. This article presents data on the assessment of the environmental stability and plasticity of new corn hybrids based on grain yield, breeding at the P.P. Lukyanenko N.G.S., in five environmental points, in 2016-2018. Based on the result of the plasticity and stability assessment, we identified promising high-yielding hybrids: (Ln0479 ½ Ln0159) ½ Ln0720 - belonging to intensive forms with reduced phenotypic stability, and (Ln0823 ½ Ln070) ½ Ln0699 - a hybrid belonging to forms with very high phenotypic stability.
Keywords: Maize, hybrid, yield, ecological plasticity, stability, harvest grain moisture.
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-103-129-134


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  1. Novichikhin Andrey Petrovich, junior researcher, FSBSI "P.P. Lukyanenko National Grain Center".
  2. Fedorova Alla Alexandrovna, junior researcher, FSBSI "P.P. Lukyanenko National Grain Center".
  3. Lemesheva Angelica Vyacheslavovna, research laboratory assistant, FSBSI "P.P. Lukyanenko National Grain Center".