Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2022, № 97

UDC: 634.22:551.84 (477.75); 634.232
GSNTI: 68.35.03

Sources of genetic resources for sweetcherry and cherry plum breeding for fruit quality

In the conditions of the steppe zone of the Crimea, genotypes of various ripening periods of sweetcherries and cherry plums have been identified that are of interest for use in breeding to improve the quality of fruits.The varieties of the sources of economically valuable characteristics of thesweet cherry have been identified: large - fruited - Mechta, Vasilisa, Krupnoplodnaya, Proshalnaya, Zagadka, Lapins, Znatnaya, Kutuzovka et el.; dark color of the fruit - Melitopolskaya Chernaya, Znatnaya, Plutaneet el.; high taste qualities - Znatnaya, Stella, Vasilisa, Lapins, Kutuzovkaet el.; dense consistency of pulp and high transportability - Mechta, Krupnoplodnaya, Kutuzovka, Proshalnaya, Annushka et el.; resistance to cracking of fruits - Rube, Znatnaya, Zagadka, Kutuzovka. The sources of economically valuable characteristics of cherry plum have been selected: large-fruited - Obilnaya, Rumyanaya Zorka, Olenka, Feeriya, Femida, Kassiyaet el.; dark - colored fruits - Obilnaya, Obilnaya Novaya, Femida, Andromeda et el.; dense pulp consistency and high transportability - Obilnaya, Andromeda, Desertnaya, KometaNikitskaya et el.; separability of the stone - Rumyanaya Zorka, Obilnaya, Volshebnitsa, Kassiya, Desertnaya Rannyaya, Obilnaya Novaya, Olenka et el. The selected varieties are recommended for further use in breeding programs to improve the assortment of sweetcherries and cherry plums.
Keywords: Sweetcherry, cherry plum, variety, fruit quality, selection.
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-97-105-109


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  1. Lukicheva Lyubov Alekseevna, PhD in Biology, head of the head of the laboratory, Federal State Institution of Science "Order of the Labour Red Banner Nikita Botanical Gardens - National Scientific Center Russian Academy of Science".
  2. Grigoriev Alexander Viktorovich, Junior researcher, Federal State Institution of Science "Order of the Labour Red Banner Nikita Botanical Gardens - National Scientific Center Russian Academy of Science".
  3. Chernen'kiy Leonid Alexandrovich, Junior researcher, Federal State Institution of Science "Order of the Labour Red Banner Nikita Botanical Gardens - National Scientific Center Russian Academy of Science".
  4. Sokolovskaya Janna Stepanovna, engineer-researcher, Federal State Institution of Science "Order of the Labour Red Banner Nikita Botanical Gardens - National Scientific Center Russian Academy of Science".
  5. Gorina Valentina Milentyevna, Leading Researcher, Federal State Institution of Science "Order of the Labour Red Banner Nikita Botanical Gardens - National Scientific Center Russian Academy of Science".