Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2022, № 96

UDC: 632.4.01/.08:633.11
GSNTI: 68.37.31, 68.37.07, 68.37.13

Immunological characteristics of soft winter wheat varieties in conditions of the CBR

The research presents the results of studying soft winter wheat varieties resistance to epiphytotically dangerous phytopathogens in the Tambov region in 2021. Resistance to Septoria blight, head smut, brown, stem and yellow rusts in 65 varieties of soft winter wheat has been characterized. Among the soft winter wheat varieties, studied under field conditions, no highly immune ones have been detected (0% prevalence).Varieties with group resistance (20%) and with resistance to one of pathogen species (8% - to yellow rust, 3% - to brown rust) have been identified. The varieties of Lytanivka, Proza, Chervonnaya, Chernozemka 115 have been included into the group, resistant to pathogens of Septoria blight, brown and yellow rust; Volzhskaya 100, Volzhskaya K, Odesskaya 200, Moskovskaya 39 - to the group, resistant to pathogens of Septoria blight and yellow rust; Prestizh, Skipetr, Tarasovskaya 29, Izyuminka, Bogdanka - to the group, resistant to brown and yellow rust. Only one of the studied varieties, Skipetr, has demonstrated resistance to the causative agent of head smut of wheat. None of the varieties have been identified as resistant or moderately susceptible to the pathogen of stem rust. In the temperate climate of central Russia, Fusarium blight of the head and seedling most often beares latent character and is detected only by mycological analysis. In the analyzed grain samples, 9 species of Fusarium spp. have been identified, among which F. poae (33,5%), F. equiseti (23,5%) and F. sporotrichioides (19,6%) predominated. The maximum infection of grain with Fusarium blight was noted among winter wheat varieties of Boyarynya, Moskovskaya 40, Spartak (15-16%). The amount of infected samples on such varieties as Belgorodskaya 12, Moskovskaya 39, Odesskaya 200, Chernozemka 115, did not exceed 2%.
Keywords: Susceptibility, pathogen, wheat, selection, varieties, resistance.
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-96-95-99


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  1. Zeleneva Yulia Vitalievna, DSc in Biology, FSBI "All-Russian Research Institute of Plant Protection".
  2. Sudnikova Valentina Pavlovna, PhD in Agriculture, Middle-Russian Affeliate of the Federal Research Center named after I.V. Michurin.
  3. Buchneva Galina Nikolaevna, PhD in Biology, Middle-Russian Affeliate of the Federal Research Center named after I.V. Michurin.