Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2022, № 96

UDC: 633.85:631.454
GSNTI: 68.35.49

Evaluation of promising potato varieties in the foothill zone of the North Caucasus by biochemical and table indicators

The purpose of the study is to evaluate promising varieties of potatoes on leached chernozems of the North Caucasus region in terms of biochemical and table indicators. Tasks - to investigate potato tubers with the best indicators of darkening of the pulp in raw and boiled form, to identify varieties with a high content of starch and dry matter. The object of the study is 121 varieties of potatoes, domestic selection, early, mid-early, mid-ripening and mid-late ripeness groups. The creation of new zoned potato varieties that are resistant to heat and drought, viral and fungal diseases, with increased yield potential and ecological plasticity is an urgent problem in the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania. The main element of the technology is a variety that increases profitability in agriculture, which must be resistant to diseases, pests and environmental stressors. In the current breeding process in the North Caucasus, it is important to obtain varieties that are superior to the existing ones in terms of table and culinary indicators. These indicators are determined by the presence and ratio of chemical components in the tubers. Therefore, taking into account soil and climatic indicators, the conducted studies required an assessment of the biochemical composition of varieties in the conditions of North Ossetia. As a result of the research, varieties with the best indicators for darkening of the pulp in raw and boiled form, varieties with a high content of starch and dry matter were identified. It was found that the early and mid-early varieties were characterized by a lower or medium starch content (14-16.6%), while the mid-ripening and mid-late varieties were relatively high (15-21.3%). Increased from early to late varieties, 18 varieties, both raw and boiled, have non-darkening flesh and were evaluated by points 8-9 -2-3. Thus, most of the studied domestic varieties of the collection meet the requirements of table varieties intended for fresh consumption.
Keywords: Potato, selection, variety, tubers, biochemical parameters.
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-96-136-139


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  1. Lekova Inna Arturovna, junior researcher, Federal Scientiffic Centre “Vladikavkaz Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences”.
  2. Gernrva Fatima Tamerlanovna, PhD in Agriculture, leading researcher, Federal Scientiffic Centre “Vladikavkaz Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences”.