Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2022, № 95

UDC: 331.108.45
GSNTI: 06.81.23

Digital technologies of preparation for studying at an agricultural university

The process of global digitalization of the education system, which is developing especially intensively in the theoretical plane and in the field of hardware and technological support. But the development of methodological aspects is still lagging behind the process of this new social phenomenon, as a result of which digital technologies are replacing methods of cognitive-creative learning. In this paper, this problem is solved by developing a fundamentally new textbook model, characterized by an expanded apparatus for assimilation of subject content with a focus on specific cognitive learning goals. A cognitive model of digital support of the educational process based on a new textbook and an accompanying interactive digital environment, consisting of stages, is proposed: 1) substantiation of the methodological basis, where the hermeneutical approach is chosen as the main approach; 2) transformation of the teaching content to build electronic content in accordance with the tasks of digitalization; 3) creation of models of system knowledge; 4) modeling of the structure of a digital textbook and the transformation of the text component of the textbook into the content of interactive computer programs; 5) the formation of a system of individual computer programs using the Internet technology designer "The Power of knowledge"; 6) the integration of the created programs into a single computer program "Uchkom" (textbook + computer) and its registration in the FSIS Rospatent of the Russian Federation; 7) the creation of an interactive learning environment and its placement on the Internet; 8) the creation of models and procedures for generating interactive technologies with predefined properties; 9) creation of a complex of digital educational resources (CSR) to prepare students to work with the technologies of a new textbook and its software support.
Keywords: Agricultural education, digitalization of the educational process, formation of agricultural specialists.
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-95-25-31


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  1. Arkhipova Alevtina Ivanovna, DSc in Pedagogical, Professor, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Kuban State University".
  2. Grushevsky Sergey Pavlovich, DSc in Pedagogical PhD in Physics and Mathematics, Professor, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Kuban State University".
  3. Lutsenko Evgeny Veniaminovich, DSc in Economics, Phd in technical, Professor, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Kuban State Agrarian University named after I.T. Trubilin".