Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2022, № 94

UDC: 575:631.52
GSNTI: 06.75.10

Сurrent state and prospects of sugar beet selection and seed breeding development in Russia

The rticle presents data on current state and trends of sugar beet selection and seed production, ways to solve the problems and to recover are proposed. Russia is one of the few world powers with state and business funded selection science. So far, all the forces of the selection process organizers are aimed at ensuring funding to create successful competitive hybrids. Russian breeding has a chance to reach the world level. The food security of the country is determined not by simple food production, but the presence of genetic potential in crop production and animal husbandry, which ensures obtaining the required amount of agricultural products for food production. The domestic selection and sugar beet seeds production present such a potential.in plant growing, which currently are in unsatisfactory condition, not providing commodity producers with good quality domestic seed material. Sugar beet was and is one of the traditionally grown crops in the RF. Sugar production is also a long-standing craft, which has a century-old history. The purpose of the article was to identify the current state of sugar beet selection and seed breeding in the country and the trends of their development. The study revealed that a large part of the sugar beet seed stock is purchased abroad now. Monitoring of the seed market has shown that now there are positive aspects associated with the selection and seed production recovery both in scientific institutions of the country and in large agricultural holdings, which have their own base for scientific development. Public-private regulation of selection and seed production should ensure a reduction in the dependence of domestic breeders and producers on the import supply of seed stock and increase the efficiency of sugar beet and quality sugar production, ensuring the health and longevity of the Russians.
Keywords: Plant breeding, seed production, seed material, seed imports, seed breeding centers.
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-94-94-107


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  1. Kornienko Anatoly Vasilyevich, DSc in Agriculture, professor, leading research officer, Head of the Laboratory of sugar beet breeding on base, VNIISS, corresponding member of Russian Science Academy, academician of EA, academician of MAI, academician of APB, member of IIRB, foreign member of Ukraine NAAN academy, honoured science worker of RF, honorary worker of APK RF, VNIISS-Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution “The A.L. Mazlumov All-Russian Research Institute of Sugar Beet and Sugar”.
  2. Skachkov Sergey Ivanovich, Head of the Laboratory, senior research officer, VNIISS-Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution “The A.L. Mazlumov All-Russian Research Institute of Sugar Beet and Sugar”.
  3. Semenihina Lidiya Valentinovna, research officer, VNIISS, leading programmer, VNIISS-Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution “The A.L. Mazlumov All-Russian Research Institute of Sugar Beet and Sugar”.
  4. Melnikov Yuriy Nikolayevich, junior research officer, VNIISS-Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution “The A.L. Mazlumov All-Russian Research Institute of Sugar Beet and Sugar”.