Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2022, № 94

UDC: 581.1:632.937
GSNTI: 34.31.31

Bacterial strains Bacillus subtilis Cohn and Bacillus. thuringiensis Berliner - inductors of resistance of potato plants to the causative agent of late blight

The ability of bacteria Bacillus subtilis Cohn and Bacillus thuringiensis Berliner to induce systemic resistance in potato plants to the causative agent of late blight Phytophthora infestans Mont de Bary was studied. It was shown that bacterial strains B. subtilis Cohn and B. thuringiensis Berliner to varying degrees increased the resistance of potato plants to P. infestans infection. There was a strain-dependent effect of the formation of a protective response to P. infestans. All studied Bacillus strains contributed to the priming of the defense reactions of potato plants against the late blight pathogen P. infestans. The data obtained suggest the possibility of creating environmentally friendly preparations with complex long-term protection of plants against phytopathogens based on bacterial strains of the genus Bacillus ssp.
Keywords: Solanum tuberosum, Phytophthora infestans, endophytic bacteria of the genus Bacillus, PR-proteins, gene expression, environmentally friendly crop production.
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-94-176-180


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  1. Yarullina Lyubov Georgievna, Leading Researcher, DSc in Biology, professor, FGBUN Institute of Biochemistry and Genetics UFIC RAS.
  2. Burkhanova Guzel Fanilevna, Phd in Biology, FGBUN Institute of Biochemistry and Genetics UFIC RAS.
  3. Zaikina Evgeniya Aleksandrovna, Phd in Biology, FGBUN Institute of Biochemistry and Genetics UFIC RAS.
  4. Cherepanova Ekaterina Aleksandrovna, Phd in Biology, FGBUN Institute of Biochemistry and Genetics UFIC RAS.
  5. Sorokan Antonina Vyacheslavovna, Phd in Biology, FGBUN Institute of Biochemistry and Genetics UFIC RAS.
  6. Tsvetkov Vyacheslav Olegovich, Associate Professor, Phd in Biology, FSBEI HE Bashkir State University.
  7. Mardanshin Ildar Salimyanovich, Phd in Biology, associate professor, FGBUN Bashkir Research Institute of Agriculture, UFIC RAS.
  8. Kalatskaya Zhanna Nikolaevna, Phd in Biology, Deputy Director for Research and Innovation, GNU Institute of Experimental Botany named after V. F. Kuprevich NAS of Belarus.