Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2022, № 94

UDC: 633.71:631.527
GSNTI: 68.35.39

Results of genetic resources use in tobacco breeding

The effectiveness of the selection process largely depends on the source material. Samples of the genetic collection are used both for the implementation of the program for the study of inheritance of quantitative traits and the creation of new genotypes, and in crosses for the purposes of practical breeding. A purposeful study of the collection allows us to identify sources that bear important characteristics in terms of breeding - precocity, resistance to adverse environmental factors, elements of productivity and quality. In 2018-2020, collectible tobacco varieties characterized by a wide polymorphism were studied. Donor varieties were identified, which were later used in hybridization for the optimal growing season, the quality of raw materials, resistance to diseases, such as Trapezond Kubanets, Trapezond 92, Trapezond 208, Trapezond 162, Trapezond 15, Trapezond 204, Trapezond Krymsky, Trapezond 219, Samsun 155, Samsun 85, Holly 215, Kuban 143, Sheptalsky 63. The evaluation of 25 hybrids of younger generations was carried out, according to the results of which 8 F1 hybrids were selected, combining the optimal growing season in the genotype, high productivity and quality of raw materials, resistance to diseases resistance (Trapezond Kubanets ½ Trapezond 208, Trapezond 208 ½ Trapezond 92, Trapezond 204 ½ Trapezond 162, Trapezond 219 ½ Trapezond 15, Trapezond 15 ½ Samsun 155, Holly 316 ½ Holly 215, Holly 215 ½ Sheptalsky 63, Jubilee ½ Kuban 143). The study of 15 hybrids of older generations allowed us to select and comprehensively evaluate five hybrid combinations based on the main economically valuable characteristics. In the system of preliminary variety testing, two new promising varieties were identified: Trapezond 59 (yield 30.2 c/ha,), Trapezond 1187 (yield 32.4 c/ha). According to the results of the competitive variety testing, two varieties were distinguished: Trapezond 25 (yield 23.9 c/ha) and Sheptalsky 63 (yield 312.0 c/ha).
Keywords: Intraspecific gene pool, genotype, hybrids, varieties, source material.
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-94-156-160


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  1. Homutova Svetlana Anatolevna, Phd in Agriculture, Federal State Budget Scientific Institution "All - Russian scientific research institute of tobacco, makhorka and tobacco products".
  2. Ivanitskii Konstantin Ivanovich, Phd in Agriculture, Federal State Budget Scientific Institution "All - Russian scientific research institute of tobacco, makhorka and tobacco products".
  3. Kubahova Aminet Abubachirovna, senior researcher, Federal State Budget Scientific Institution "All - Russian scientific research institute of tobacco, makhorka and tobacco products".