Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2021, № 93

UDC: 631.527
GSNTI: 68.35.03

Global seed market development: prospects and related risks

Climate change, population growth, the new consumption pattern formation, and the COVID 19 pandemic have amended some state governments attitude to the agrobusiness. Russia is positioned as a state with important role in the global food market by contributing to the global value chains sustainability. The crop breeding and seed business largely determines the effectiveness of the subsequent value chain participants. "Innovation" means increasament of the seed added value by use of moder scientific approaches and methods, which gives a competitive advantage to the product in the market. Innovations are the drivers of the global transformation of the agrobusiness, leading to a reformatting of the agricultural technology market as package offer of modern approaches, seeds, plant protection, digital solutions and databases. There are investments in R & D up to 10-15% of sales within global companies, while there is limited budget funding of public R & D organization in the Russian Federation. As a result, no expanded production takes place, and most local breeding programs are not competitive enough. The global seed market was valued in $ 45 billion in 2019 and will reach $ 61.3 billion by 2025. There have been a series of mergers and acquisition in recent decades, and consequantly 10 global companies control 80% of the global seed market. They account for $ 4 billion of annual investments in R&D and 90% of breeding innovations, like GM-seeds. The GM crop acreage extended till 190.4 million hectares in 2019. Global companies are the main inventers of agricultural innovations; they continue to expand in agricultural markets with use of modern business models and package offers. The main risk for Russia is the isolationism policy based on the lag in agricultural science and education, which leads to the loss of the competitiveness of produced marketable commodity.
Keywords: Crop breeding, innovation, seeds, package offer.
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-93-180-187


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  1. Goncharov Sergey Vladimirovich, DSc in Agriculture, professor of the Department of breeding and seed production, Voronezh state agrarian University named after Emperor Peter I.