Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2021, № 92

UDC: 338.43/631.1
GSNTI: 68.75.19

Analysis and development prospects of forage production in the Yaroslavl region

The fodder base of the Yaroslavl region is determined by two groups of crops: cereals (a source of concentrated feed) and perennial grasses (a source of green mass for harvesting feed). Indicators of the dynamics of the development of the forage production industry for 2015-2019 indicate a decrease in the total sown area of agricultural crops in all categories of farms to 299 thousand hectares, including forage crops, a decrease in the gross grain harvest, an increase in the yield of grain crops and annual grasses and a decrease in the yield of perennial grasses. The grain wedge over the past five years has averaged 47 thousand ha and is represented by wheat, barley, oats, triticale, vetch, peas. The basis of grain-grass crop rotations, which provide the livestock industry of the region with the necessary amount of coarse and juicy vegetative feeds, are perennial legumes and cereal grasses, their variety mixtures in combination with annual grasses. The total forage consumption in the livestock industry of the Yaroslavl region in 2019 amounted to 1009 thousand tons of feed units, which corresponds to 26.4 centners of feed units per 1 conventional head. According to the evaluation of the indicators of the chemical composition and nutritional value of the analyzed vegetative feeds, the total share of feeds of class I and II was 66%. The perspective of the development of the forage production industry in the region should be focused on the optimal structure of crops, the cultivation of valuable species and varieties of cereals, legumes and perennial grasses, the improvement of forage preparation technologies, the modernization of the forage harvesting equipment, a rational system of fertilizer use, the maximum use of natural and climatic resources, biological and environmental factors.
Keywords: Feed production, crop structure, yield, feed quality.
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-92-218-223


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  1. Konovalov Alexander Vladimirovich, Phd in Agriculture, Associate Professor, Acting director, Federal Williams Research Center of Forage production & Agroecology.
  2. Alekseyev Andrey Aleksandrovich, senior researcher, Federal Williams Research Center of Forage production & Agroecology.