Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2020, № 85

UDC: 631.8.633.853
GSNTI: 61.49.3768.35

Morphophysiological characteristics of promising soybean varieties in the zone of insufficient moisture in Kabardino-Balkaria

The importance of legumes in the hobby of plant protein production is increasing every year. Soy, as the most high-protein crop, occupies a special place among leguminous crops. Each hectare of sowing can yield up to 650-850 kg of vegetable protein, and the best varieties in optimal growing conditions, up to 1000 kg. The size of the yield of soybean seeds depends not only on the methods of cultivation technology and soil and climatic conditions, but also on varietal characteristics. Soybean varieties such as Vilana, Selekty 302, Slavia can provide the formation of elements of productivity with high performance. Each plant forms at least 50-60 pieces of beans, the number of seeds is more than 150 pieces, and their weight is 8-10 grams. Formation of beans and seeds, their quantity and quality depend on the density of the plants per unit area. With thickened crops, each plant forms fewer beans and seeds, and with thinned crops, on the contrary, the number of beans and seeds increases. that is, each plant has more opportunity to receive moisture and nutrients in abundance. The optimal planting density makes better use of the potential for the formation of high yields of seeds with high technological properties. Of no small importance is the biological characteristics of the variety, how much it is adapted to the climatic conditions of a particular growing zone. With an optimal combination of the peculiarities of the soybean variety and growing conditions, the productivity of plants increases significantly. Each hectare of soybean sowing can have more than 30 thousand rubles of net profit, and the level of profitability will be more than 120%.
Keywords: Soybeans, promising varieties, cultivation technology, characteristics of varieties, yield, quality of seeds.
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-85-83-87


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  1. Knyazev Boris Muzakirovich, DSc in Agriculture, Professor of the Department technology of production and processing of agricultural products, Kabardino-Balkar state agrarian University.
  2. Diana Knyazeva Borisovna, post-graduate, Kabardino-Balkar state agrarian University.