Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2018, № 73

UDC: 634.7
GSNTI: 68.35.53

The chemical composition of compound fruit of the fig Adriatic white and Hartut's mulberries which are grown up in the south of Dagestan

The chemical composition of compound fruit of a fig of a grade Adriatic white and a mulberry of a grade of Hartut which are grown up in the south of Dagestan on the coast of the Caspian Sea is studied. In them concentration of sugars, titrable acids, vitamin C, pectins, organic acids, macro- and minerals are defined. In a fig the content of sugars and pectins in comparison with a mulberry was 2,4 g/100 g and 2,1 %, and titrable acids and vitamin C 1,0 g/dm3 lower and 9,4 mg% respectively. The method of a capillary electrophoresis (instrumentation - «Kapel-105») has identified six organic acids: wine, lemon, pyrogrape, acetic, oxalic and apple. In a fig lemon, apple and oxalic acids prevailed, in a mulberry wine acid - 0,48 dominated, and lemon and apple contained almost in equal quantities - 0,28 and 0,27 g/dm3 respectively. The total of organic acids in a fig has made 0,32, and in a mulberry of 1,16 g/dm3. Macro- and minerals are determined atomic and absorbing and spectrometer by methods, with use of devices HITACHI-208 (Japan) and an ardent photometer FLAHPO-4 (Germany). In compound fruit of a fig Adriatic white and mulberries of Hartut about 11 minerals among which potassium was in the lead are revealed, there was a lot of calcium, phosphorus, copper, iron, also sodium, magnesium, zinc, manganese, selenium and sulfur are revealed. Most of them (Na, Mg, Fe, Zn, Cu, Se, S, Mn), are the irreplaceable chemical elements which are a part of enzymes, hormones and vitamins. Soil climatic conditions of the South of Dagestan are comfortable for growth of the introduced grades - a fig Adriatic white and mulberries of Hartut, the chemical composition of their compound fruit is rich with the valuable nutrients and biocomponents having treatment-and-prophylactic properties. The fresh compound fruit and products of their processing can be carried to the category of functional.
Keywords: Grade fig Adriatic white, mulberry of a grade of Hartut, sugar, acid, pectins, vitamin C, mineral substances, soil climatic conditions of the South of Dagestan
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-73-45-50


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  1. Guseynova Batuch Mukhtarovna, DSc in Agriculture, Professor of the Department of natural-science disciplines, Dagestan State University of a National Economy.
  2. Daudova Tatyana Idrisovna, Researcher of laboratory of biochemistry and biotechnology, Caspian institute of biological resources of the Dagestan center of Science of the Russian Academy of Sciences.