Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2016, № 63

UDC: 631.5
GSNTI: 34.31

Conceptual aspects of ecological model of soil fertility under vegetable crops

The paper attempts to determine the value of conceptual aspects related to the control of soil fertility based on the ecological model of soil fertility under vegetable crops. This should allow increasing the productivity of soils, improving their fertility and ecologically ethical attitude of people. As well as around the world, the Republic of Azerbaijan in terms of large-scale industrial development and agricultural intensification becomes relevant protection of natural complexes of individual ecosystems, including the biosphere, which is an essential component of ecosystems, conservation of soil and its specific attributes - fertility. At present, the theoretical knowledge on the ecological model of fertility on the background of its structure forms are even more interesting, both from a theoretical and practical point of view. Thus, the formation of the grouping factors and limitations of soil fertility in the block model of ecological well reflects them, and on their basis is facilitated by designing activities (agronomic, land reclamation) on soil fertility management model. Soil fertility model is applied in the form of a passport, which consists of the following parts: "Use of agricultural fertility model", "Ecological situation of the territory, where the model will be used”, "Characteristics of model indicators", "Implementation of high fertility of the model." When you select an area where the fertility of the model will be used, there is a number of necessary conditions for its construction, which are: the availability of information on soil type, usual plants for the territory, if there are planted various plants, construction of a model that establishes the horizon of the soil where their roots develop.
Keywords: Conceptual basis of soil fertility, agrocenosis, model, site class, agricultural practices, land reclamation
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-63-53-58


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  1. Vahabov Emil Eminaga oglu, doctoral student, Institute of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan.