Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2016, № 62

UDC: 635.621.3:631.811.98
GSNTI: 34.31.31

Effect of preparation ethrel on sexualization and the seed setting in squash fruit

An important characteristic of the aftereffect of the drug is the degree of sexualization of the squash plants after Etrell treatments. In all the studied variants of treatments before the achievement of peak concentrations (700 mg /l a.i. - at twice;. 500 mg /l a.i. - when the triple treatment), increase in the proportion of female flowers on the plant occurs with increasing concentration, at the cost of male flowers number reduction, in other cases - the proportion of female flowers increases at the cost of male and female flowers reduction on the plant. As a result of obtained data analysis it was found that the main factor affecting the productivity of the fruit of the seed, is "concentration" - the proportion of influence was 99%. Use of the preparation on K69 line in concentrations above 350 mg /l. a.i., leads to a sharp reduction in the average number of seeds in the seed fruit relative to the control. Ratio of "treatment phase" factor influence in this case is minimum (1%) or absent. For the practical application of the drug Ethrel in hybrid seed production of squash in the conditions of the Krasnodar Territory, a threefold plants processing should be considered optimal in series at the stages of 3, 4 and 5 true leaves development. In the organization of seed production of promising F1 hybrid 831/14 the most expedient is the treatment of the maternal line K-69 with Ethrel at a concentration of 350 mg/l a.i., which showed the most stable positive results in different years of studies.
Keywords: Hybrid seed, squash, free pollination, processing, seeds, Ethrel (2-hefk)
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-62-83-87


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  1. Gish Ruslan Aydamirovich, doctor of agricultural Sciences, Professor, I.T. Trubilin Kuban State Agrarian University.
  2. Chaykin Konstantin Olegovich, scientific employee, LTD «Research Institute of Vegetable Growing Greenhouse».