Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2023, № 108

UDC: 633.282:633
GSNTI: 68.35.03

Sudan grass seeding qualities and green mass yield depending on seed fraction

Annual forage grasses are highly important for providing animals with forage. Sudan grass is a valuable crop for the green forage, hay and silage production. The green mass, both in the pasture and when mowed, is well eaten by all livestock types. Sudan grass is distinguished by high productivity and drought resistance, therefore it is of great importance in the zone of unstable moisture. In 2017-2019, studies were carried out to develop recommendations for the preparation of Sudan grass seeds for sowing, as, under present-day conditions, the increased requirements are imposed on the seed quality. We have divided Sudan grass seeds into fractions and studied its seeding and yield properties. According to the results of the research conducted, the seeds with the highest unit weight had the highest germinative energy (6-7% higher than the check). Laboratory and field germination ability in the third fraction seeds amounted to 92.4% and 83%, while in control seeds - to 85.8% and 78% respectively. According to the variance results analysis, we can conclude that seeds fractioning exerts substantial influence on Sudan grass seeds germinative energy and germination ability at the 0.05 level of significance. In years with different weather conditions, the dependence of the yield of Sudan grass green mass and its components on the seed fraction was revealed. It was found that the stem diameter depended on both the mowing and the seeds size. Plants of the first mowing had a thicker stem, while a direct dependence of the stem diameter on the seed size was observed: the larger the seeds, the larger was the stem diameter in plants. Plants of the third fraction were the best in terms of the quantity, leaf size and bushiness. The largest number of shoots was observed in the third fraction plants, both in the first and in the second mowing (6.6 pcs., 6.8 pcs., respectively). The highest level of green mass yield was noted in plants of the second and third fractions, which in total for 2 cuts amounted to 37.9 and 40.5 t/ha, which significantly exceeds the check, the yield of which is 36.0 t / ha. It has been established that with the help of an aerodynamic separator, it is possible to select biologically valuable Sudan grass seeds formed in the middle part of the panicle, remove a light impurity, improve the quality of the seed and significantly increase the green mass yield.
Keywords: Sudan grass, sowing qualities, green mass yield, seed fractionation, analysis of variance.
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-108-77-82


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  1. Kriukova Tatyana Ivanovna, PhD in Agriculture, associate professor, FSBEI HE Voronezh SAU.
  2. Vashchenko Tatyana Grigorievna, DSc in Agriculture, professor, FSBEI HE Voronezh SAU.