Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2023, № 108

UDC: 658.71
GSNTI: 06.56.45

Supplier selection stage assessment at the conclusion of government contracts and its impact on the agro-industrial complex of the Russian Federation

The need for detailed study of the methods of selecting supplier while concluding government contracts explicates due to the increasing the contract legislation violations dynamics, and the need to develop market relations in the country's economy key sectors. Consideration of methods for determining potential contracts performers in the government procurement aspect occupies a certain niche, due to the fact that state support accumulates almost a third of all transactions in the Russian Federation, generating significant cash flows and investments in the economic entities capital of the country. The reports analysis of the Russian Federation subjects on the government procurement monitoring results for 2019-2021, showed the low effectiveness of supplier selection competitive methods, since most of them are transformed into purchases with a single supplier as a result of submitting a single application for participation. This trend is typical for all competitive methods types for selecting the contractor in all the studied subjects of the Russian Federation. Disparity in the application of existing supplier selection methods has been established, in particular, tenders and requests for quotations are used by participants in the contract system to a lesser extent than an auction. The evaluation of contracts concluded with a single supplier has showed that most of them are becoming the result of failed competitive selection methods. The study has determined the influence of the supplier selection stage on the possibilities of the agro-industrial complex participation in the contract system. Sale of agricultural products (goods) to state institutions will allow organize an additional sales market, and, as a result, will increase the potential suppliers number for competitive procedures organization. However, trend of attracting a single supplier to fulfill contractual obligations indicates the impossibility of expanding competitive market of domestic agricultural producers. The results of the study confirmed the need to modify the model of government procurement in order to increase competition in the Russian Federation. The interpretation of the research results can be used by the authorities in developing measures to optimize government procurement at the stage of concluding a contract.
Keywords: Government procurement, competitive methods, contract system, single supplier, successful and failed procedures, agro-industrial complex, agriculture, competition.
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-108-15-23


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  1. Aleynikova Marina Yurievna, PhD in Economics, associate professor, research Officer, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation.
  2. Golovanov Danila Alexandrovich, trainee researcher, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation.
  3. Karakhimova Anastasia Dmitrievna, Trainee Researcher, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation.