Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2023, № 108

UDC: 633.15
GSNTI: 68.35.29

Krasnodar 387 MV corn hybrid cultivation features

The aim of the work is to study a new hybrid of corn Krasnodar 387 MV and herbicides effect on weed vegetation at different sowing dates, corn productivity and quality for grain on the Ingushetia foothill agricultural landscape. The medium-ripened three-line hybrid Krasnodar 387 MV is included in the State Register for the North Caucasus (6) region for grain. The growing season is 119 days (at the standard level), resistant to stem rot, in the field it is very weakly affected by bubbly smut, weakly by bacteriosis, moderately - by cobs fusarium, and moderately damaged by corn stem moth. The limiting factors of corn yield formation in agrocenoses were established, it was possible to study and analyze the weed species composition vegetation and the optimal time for sowing corn in the research area. The experiment methodology was based on the corn cultivation peculiarities using intensive technology. After harvesting the predecessor (winter wheat), stubble peeling was carried out, then winter processing - one of the main elements of intensive technology to a depth of 28-30 cm with simultaneous harrowing. Before the winter processing, mineral fertilizers were applied, which works well to increase the yield of corn, both grain and green mass. To prevent clumping and formation of soil crust in early spring, soil harrowing and continuous cultivation were carried out. For the first time, the herbicides Rimanol + Starterr (50/400g/ha) were used in research. The area of the plot was - 25 m2, between the repetitions there were protective strips. The object of research was Krasnodar 387MV hybrid against the background of 4 options for studying the reaction of corn hybrid for different sowing periods: April 2nd decade, April 3rd decade, May 1st decade, May 2nd decade. Ammonium nitrate (N -34.5%), granulated superphosphate (P2O5-19.5%) and potassium salt (K2О-40%) were used from mineral fertilizers. Phosphorus-potassium fertilizers were applied for basic tillage, nitrogen fertilizers for spring cultivation. The predecessor of corn in the year of the experiment was winter wheat. The number of ears and crop accounting were carried out for all repetitions, and moisture and grain yield were determined by two non-adjacent repetitions. In the Republic of Ingushetia, corn is the main grain and fodder crop. In recent years, the republic has been growing low corn yields. The breeding of high-heterosis interlinear hybrids, improving the their cultivation technology instead of varieties, will increase yields by an average of 38-52%. An important element of the row crops cultivation technology in research is the environmentally sound use of chemical control agents. As a result of research, the Krasnodar 387 MV corn hybrid showed high efficiency. Studies with sowing dates and new herbicides have shown that both earlier and later crops lead to a shortage of grain harvest. The grain maximum yield with good quality in corn hybrid was obtained when sowing in the 2nd term (3rd decade of April) - 56.6 c /ha. The use of scientifically based and developed technology elements on foothill landscapes will allow the farms of the region to obtain a relatively high corn yield for grain.
Keywords: Corn, cultivation, herbicide, sowing dates, foothill zone, technological techniques, yield, hybrid, growth processes.
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-108-130-134


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  1. Khashagulgov Umar Akhmetovich, PhD in Agriculture, associate professor, FSBSI HE “Ingush State University”.
  2. Khashagulgova Makka Akhmetovna, PhD in Biology, associate professor, FSBSI HE “Ingush State University”.