Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2023, № 107

UDC: 636.12
GSNTI: 68.41.47,68.41.45,68.41.41

Morphological changes in the hooves of cattle of dairy productivity in conditions of intensive animal husbandry

Тhe aim of the research was to study the anatomical and histological characteristics of the hooves of dairy cattle, which are in conditions of reduced motor activity with a concentrated type of feeding. 100 samples of hoof tissue from 20 holstinized black-and-white cows (age 3-4 years, after 2-3 calving) were studied. All animals were regularly subjected to planned measures for the treatment of hooves: cleaning and preventive treatments with disinfectants. As a result of the conducted studies, structural changes of hooves were revealed in all animals. The hooves were end-mounted and had a hooking angle of 48-50о due to the adaptation of the limb to the constantly prevailing static load with support on a solid floor. In all parts of the hoof (rim, corolla, wall, sole, plantar crumb), signs of a violation of the formation of the hoof horn were revealed: stratification, fragility, cracks, turning into extensive and deep defects. Histological studies revealed signs of parakeratosis, dyskeratosis, as well as pododermatitis with an allergic component. In the structure of the epidermis, there was no or poorly developed granular layer, which is a sign of a violation of keratin formation. Groups of keratinocytes with a violation of the keratinization process formed typical spherical structures, and the horny substance of the hooves appeared structureless, layered, containing cracks. The revealed signs correspond to chronic disorders of epidermal kinetics and the speed of the keratinization process, which occur against the background of pododermatitis and lead to deep destructive changes in the anatomical structure of the hooves. The background for morphological changes are metabolic disorders and significant limitations of motor activity in conditions of intensive animal husbandry.
Keywords: Cattle, dairy productivity, intensive animal husbandry, hooves, dyskeratosis, parakeratosis, morphology.
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-107-271-277


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  1. Pozyabin Sergei Vladimirovich, DSc in Veterinary, professor, rector, FSBEI HE MGAVMiB - MBA named after K.I. Scriabin.
  2. Borkhunova Elena Nikolaevna, DSc in Biology, associate professor, FSBEI HE MGAVMiB - MBA named after K.I. Scriabin.
  3. Belogurov Vladislav Viktorovich, PhD in Veterinary, аssociate рrofessor, FSBEI HE MGAVMiB - MBA named after K.I. Scriabin.
  4. Kachalin Mikhail Dmitrievich, PhD. vet. sciences, аssociate рrofessor, FSBEI HE MGAVMiB - MBA named after K.I. Scriabin.