Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2022, № 98

UDC: 631.811.98:635.13
GSNTI: 34.35.51, 68.35.51

Realization of biological resources of carrot agrocenoses with the use of growth regulators

The results of an experiment on the influence of pre-sowing treatment of seeds of different varieties and hybrids of carrots by growth regulators in 2015-2020 in the Voronezh State Agrarian University are presented. It was revealed that the treatment with growth regulators significantly increases the field germination of seeds. At the same time, the most effective growth regulators on both varieties and hybrids were zircon and epin extra. In the future, the development of the leaf surface in different varieties and hybrids of carrot differed: for a group of varieties, the best option was the option using epin extra, and for a group of hybrids - zircon and hydrogen peroxide. This conclusion was confirmed by calculations of photosynthetic potential - it was the maximum in these variants. It should be noted that the economic productivity of sowing was maximum in the variants with the use of zircon in both groups. The development of the leaf surface was accompanied by the formation of a corresponding crop of root crops. Thus, in the group of varieties (Rogneda and Nantskaja 4), the maximum yield (with a proven difference not only with the control, but with other variants) was noted when using epin extra (35.1 t/ha with a yield of 27.4 t/ha at the control), and in the group of hybrids (Canterbury, Carlena, Narbonne, Canada) - when using zircon (40.7-42.5 t/ha with a yield of 28.8-30.6 t/ha at the control).
Keywords: Carrots, biological resources, agrocenosis, growth regulators, leaf surface index, yield.
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-98-105-109


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  1. Mukhortov Sergey Yakovlevich, PhD in Agriculture, Associate Professor, senior scientific researcher, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Voronezh State Agrarian University named after Emperor Peter I".