Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2022, № 97

UDC: 632.4.01+632.938.1
GSNTI: 34.31.35, 68.37.31, 68.37.07

Influence of Stagonospora nodorum (Berk.) effector SnTox1 on components of the wheat pro-/antioxidant system

The most important virulence factors of Stagonospora nodorum Berk are the effectors SnToxA, SnTox1, SnTox3, which cause necrosis and chlorosis in susceptible wheat genotypes and affect the redox metabolism of the host plant. The effect of the SnTox1 effector on components of the pro/-antioxidant system during the suppression of early immune responses in compatible and incompatible interactions was studied. In the S. nodorum Sn1SP isolate, only one SnTox1 effector gene was found in the genome by PCR, which makes it a convenient model for studying the role of SnTox1 and the SnTox1-Snn1 interaction. In varieties of common spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Saratovskaya 29 (S29) and Omskaya 35 (Om35), a dominant allele of the Snn1 gene was found, but no significant lesions were found in variety C29, and based on the analysis of phenotypic manifestations, we found that the variety C29 was insensitive, while Om35 was sensitive to the SnTox1 effector. The role of the SnTox1 effector in suppressing the generation of reactive oxygen species during compatible interaction at the early stage of infection due to the influence mainly on the activity of peroxidases performing different functions has been shown.
Keywords: Stagonospora nodorum, effectors, wheat, reactive oxygen species, pro-/antioxidant system, SnTox1-Snn1 interaction.
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-97-117-123


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  1. Nuzhnaya Tatyana Vladimirovna, PhD in Biology, Ufa Institute of Biology Ufa Federal Research Centre of the Russian academy of sciences.
  2. Minnigaliyeva Aygul Firdausovna, junior researcher, Ufa Institute of Biology Ufa Federal Research Centre of the Russian academy of sciences.
  3. Tyryshkin Lev Gennadyevich, DSc in Biology, Professor, Federal Research Center N. I. Vavilov All-Russian Institute of Plant Genetic Resources (VIR).
  4. Veselova Svetlana Viktorovna, PhD in Biology, FSBEI Institute of Biochemistry and Genetics Ufa Federal Research Centre of the Russian academy of sciences.
  5. Maksimov Igor Vladimirovich, DSc in Biology, Professor, FSBEI Institute of Biochemistry and Genetics Ufa Federal Research Centre of the Russian academy of sciences.