Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2022, № 96

UDC: 636.082:591.11
GSNTI: 68.39.29

The gene pool dynamics of crossbred beef bull-calves and heifers according to complex genotypes by gene-markers of meat productivity

Selection for several genes is advisable to optimize breeding programs aimed at improving herds according to a set of traits in beef cattle. The purpose of research was to study the gene pool dynamics of crossbred Hereford ½ Kazakh white-headed bull-calves and heifers, taking into account the complex genotypes of CAPN1, GH, TG5 and LEP genes. The object of the study were heifers of the 1st (n=30) and 2nd generation (n=50), as well as bull-calves (n=16) of the 2nd generation. A total of 7 variants of the GH/CAPN1 complex were genotyped in heifers of the 2nd generation, i.e. the gene pool of the created herd expanded by 2 combinations compared to the first generation of animals. The revealed trend in the gene pool change was confirmed by genotyping a group of replacement bull-calves of the second generation. The use of Hereford sires with the desired genotype for the CAPN1, GH, TG5 and LEP genes made it possible to increase the frequency of desirable alleles as you increase the blood proportion of the improving breed.
Keywords: Hereford, Kazakh white-headed, bull-calves, heifers, crossbred, gene pool, complex genotypes.
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-96-295-300


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  1. Sycheva Irina Nikolaevna, PhD in Agriculture, associate professor, Russian State Agrarian University -Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural.
  2. Bystrenina Irina Evgenievna, PhD in Pedagogy, associate professor, Russian State Agrarian University -Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural.
  3. Tsibizova Oksana Vladimirovna, PhD in Philosophy, Russian State Agrarian University -Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural.
  4. Krasavina Vera Alexandrovna, PhD in Economics, associate professor, Russian State Agrarian University -Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural.
  5. Vasiliev Vladimir Vladimirovich, DSc in Medicine, associate professor, Moscow Regional Research and Clinical Institute "MONIKI".
  6. Vasilyeva Irina Sergeevna, PhD in Medicine, Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (Sechenov University).