Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2022, № 96

UDC: 631.162:332.025.12
GSNTI: 06.73.15

Financial condition and sustainability of agricultural organizations development in the Altai Territory

The key goal of the implementation of the state regional program “Development of Agriculture in the Altai Territory” for 2013-2020 was an increase in the efficiency of agriculture based on the implementation of measures for budget support for agricultural producers. To solve it, measures were provided for budgetary support for agricultural producers and their financial recovery. Based on the attraction of such substantial funds from the budgets, and, consequently, taxpayers' funds, it is very relevant to assess the impact of such amounts of support on the financial condition and sustainability of the development of agricultural organizations in the Altai Territory. The goal is to assess the financial condition and sustainability of the development of agricultural organizations in the Altai Territory. The study used general scientific (scientific abstraction, inductive, deductive, comparative analysis) and special approaches and methods. The research methodology is based on the application of a systematic, comprehensive and program-targeted approach to assessing the financial condition and sustainability of the development of agricultural organizations in the Altai Territory. The article assesses measures to maintain the financial sustainability of agricultural organizations in the Altai Territory. A grouping of agricultural organizations that received state support was carried out according to the level of profitability. The costs of agricultural organizations in the region for servicing attracted loans and borrowings are shown. The results of the program of financial rehabilitation of agricultural organizations in the region are given. A methodology has been developed for the distribution of agricultural organizations into 5 groups of financial stability based on an assessment of the level of solvency and dependence on external creditors.
Keywords: Financial condition of agricultural organizations, development sustainability, state support, financial recovery program, agro-industrial complex.
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-96-27-34


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  1. Minenko Alexei Vasil'evich, PhD in Economics, associate professor, FSBEI HE Altai State Agrarian University.