Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2022, № 96

UDC: 631.53.01:582.5/9
GSNTI: 68.35.03

Growing areas, harvesting, yield and quality of seeds of leafy woody plants in different regions of the Russian Federation

An analysis of the growing area, as well as the yield and quality of seeds of the main forest-forming and associated species of deciduous plants, makes it possible to establish the boundaries of seed-growing entities, as well as the yield and quality of seeds in different Forest Protection Centers (FPC). It is not possible to single out seed growing zones based on the results of these studies, since in some regions and districts there are significant differences in seed yield and quality. The allocation of seed production zones is carried out based on the types of seed yield. In the course of many years of research, 4 types of seed yield have been established: 1 - high yield, high quality seeds; 2 - high yield, low seed quality; 3 - low yield, high seed quality; 4 - low yield, low seed quality. The task of further research is to establish the types of seed yield of forest-forming species of deciduous woody plants.
Keywords: Range, deciduous plants, economically feasible collection, growth energy, laboratory germination.
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-96-181-188


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  1. Plugatar’ Yury Vladimirovich, DSc in Agriculture, Director, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, FSBSI "Nikitskiy Botanical Garden - National Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences".
  2. Makrushin Nikolay Mikhailovich, DSc in Agriculture, Professor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, FSBSI "Nikitskiy Botanical Garden - National Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences".
  3. Makrushina Evgenia Mikhailovna, PhD in Agriculture, associate professor, FSBSI "Nikitskiy Botanical Garden - National Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences".
  4. Zamotajlov Alexander Sergeevich, DSc in Biology, Professor, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “I.T. Trubilin Kuban State Agrarian University”.
  5. Klitsenko Oleg Alekseevich, PhD in Agriculture, associate professor, Institute "Agrotechnological Academy" of V.I. Vernadskiy CFU.
  6. Nagornyak Andrey Alexandrovich, research engineer, FGBU "NBS - NSC RAS".