Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2022, № 94

UDC: 663.97(477.9)
GSNTI: 65.57.01

Monitoring of raw tobacco imports from CIS countries and neighboring countries

The article presents an analysis of the dynamics of the volume of imports of raw tobacco to Russia from the CIS countries and neighboring countries for the stability of production potential, the possibilities of using imported raw materials, assessing the formation of economic ties in the context of creating a financial security mechanism for the production of tobacco enterprises with the expansion of imports of raw materials from the CIS countries during integration with the tobacco industry of the EAEU countries. Determination of the level of financial and economic activity of the tobacco industry in Russia and its further monitoring in the face of uncertainty of market relations associated with risks are important tasks for the preservation and formation of a sustainable and efficient economy of the tobacco industry, since they are closely related to identifying and overcoming financial risks in the future, formation of production resources that are sufficient for enterprises to carry out their activities in the industry and their further development.
Keywords: Tobacco industry, imports, supplies, raw tobacco, price, volume, cost, share.
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-94-34-38


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  1. Romanova Nadezhda Konstantinovna, Leading Researcher, Phd in Economics, FGBNU "All-Russian Research Institute of Tobacco, Makhorka and Tobacco Products".
  2. Larkina Natalya Ivanovna, PhD in Biologi, leading researcher, FGBNU "All-Russian Research Institute of Tobacco, Makhorka and Tobacco Products".
  3. Savvin Alexander Alexandrovich, , FGBNU "All-Russian Research Institute of Tobacco, Makhorka and Tobacco Products".