Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2022, № 94

UDC: 634.7:631.52
GSNTI: 68.35.53

Varieties of currant and gooseberry in the collection of NCFSCHVW

The aim of the research was an evaluation by the varieties of gooseberry, red and black currant according to the most significant marketable and consumer characteristics of berries for the determination of their commercial value. The work was carried out in the research and selection collection of genetic resources of horticultural crops by the Federal State Budget Scientific Institution NCFSCHVW. The objects of the study were 30 varieties of gooseberries, 24 varieties of red currant and 21 varieties of black currant by the various ecological and geographical origin. The varieties of the collection were estimated in 2019-2021. The traits of marketable quality (brush length, number of berries in a brush, weight of 100 berries, average weight of a berry), consumer quality of berries (tasting assessment of berries) and characteristics of their chemical composition (total soluble solids in berries, sugars, acidity, sugar-acid index, content of vitamins C and P, anthocyanins) were considered. The quality of berries of gooseberry and currant varieties was evaluated according to the "Program and methods of fruit, small fruit and nut-bearing variety study". Statistical analysis of data for a set of characteristics was carried out using a special manual "Biometrics". According to the results of the evaluation, varieties of red currant with high marketable qualities of the berry were identified - Detvan, Podarok leta, Ogonjok, Tatran, Bajana, Dar Orla. The varieties as Asja, Bajana, Podarok leta, Dar Orla, Detvan, Rozovoe schast'e and Gollandskaja rozovaja are distinguished by the best combination of traits of marketable and consumer quality of berries. The black currant varieties Slastjona and Izjumnaja are the best among the varieties of the collection of this crop by the combination of large fruit size and high biochemical characteristics. A good prospect for the use of gooseberry berries in industrial and small commodity production, according to a set of characteristics, is cultivars Purman, Sfinks, Doneckij pervenec, Pamjat'Komarovu, Serenada.
Keywords: Red and Black currant, gooseberry, varieties, traits of quality of berries.
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-94-181-186


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  1. Yakovenko Valentina Vladimirovna, PhD in Agr. Sci., Federal State Budget Scientific Institution "North Caucasian Federal Scientific Center of Horticulture, Viticulture, Wine-making".
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