Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2022, № 101

UDC: 338.012
GSNTI: 06.71.07

Digital technologies and tools managing processes as a factor of agrarian and industrial complex socio-economic systems efficiency increase

The article reveals the idea that production and technological capacities, resource bases and fixed assets of socio-economic systems of the agro-industrial complex are dispersed over a large area. Systematic and operational work is required to combine the stages of production and process control systems. The study becomes particularly relevant during large-scale restrictions on access for Russian socio-economic systems of the agro-industrial complex to the market of engineering and computer technologies, which are the basis of all digital changes and management processes. The study shows the impact of digital technologies and management tools on improving efficiency in the areas of activity of socio-economic systems of the agro-industrial complex; reveals the practice of introducing digital technologies and tools into the activities of socio-economic systems of the agro-industrial complex. The paper determines that the operationalization of a single information platform will ensure equal conditions for information exchange, access to regulatory documentation, support from the state, and logical interaction of all subjects ensuring the efficiency of the agro-industrial complex, which implies the formation of changes in the competitive environment of the agro-industrial complex. The author propose a matrix structure of a single information platform for effectively connecting functional resources and interaction of subjects of the agro-industrial complex. The materials of the article reveal the characteristics of a single information platform. This platform, firstly, is formed for the convenience of interaction of all market entities; secondly, all market entities have equal access to such an environment; thirdly, such a single information platform is supported by marketing and advertising campaigns from the state (which will contribute to the development of interest and reorientation all subjects to interact in such a digital environment).
Keywords: Digitalization, technologies and management tools, management process, efficiency improvement, socio-economic system, agro-industrial complex.
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-101-42-49


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  1. Novikov Vladimir Sergeevich, PhD in Economics, associate professor, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “I.T. Trubilin Kuban State Agrarian University”.