Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2022, № 100

UDC: 619:615.37:636.22/.28
GSNTI: 68.41.63

Antigenic activity of streptococcal strains

One of the main problems of infectious diseases in pig breeding is factor infections, caused by conditionally pathogenic microflora, which include strepto and enterococci. Isolation of microorganisms of this species from pathological and diagnostic material from pigs of various technological groups, in pig farms of the region, indicates the spread of these microorganisms, which play a significant role in the etiology and pathogenesis of infectious diseases. In this situation, the development of means for the specific prevention of infectious diseases in piglets and young pigs, the study of the biological, antigenic properties of strepto and enterococci, in the design and industrial production of new biological preparations, is an urgent task of veterinary medicine, which can significantly reduce the incidence and mortality of animals in pig farms in the regions of the Russian Federation. The article presents data on the antigenic activity of vaccine strains of bacteria Streptococus faecalis "Sokolovo", "Konstantinovsky", K 13, K 345, K 356 used in the inactivated vaccine for immunization of pigs. A positive effect of streptococcal strains on the formation and duration of immunity in the pigs body for 6 months with a double intramuscular injection of the vaccine in doses of 1.5-2.0 ml has been proven. An increase in antibody titer from 2.52 to 9.12 log2 was shown within a month after the introduction of the antigen, maintaining the concentration of precipitins providing immune protection of animals for 6 monthsat the level of 6.00-6.64 log2, which corresponded to a dilution of 1:64-1:128. At the end of the study on day 270, the content of precipitins in blood serum decreased to the level of 2.12-2.60 log2, which corresponded to a dilution of 1:4-1:8.
Keywords: Antigenic activity, streptococci, strains, precipitins, antibody titer, pigs.
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-100-276-280


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  1. Skorikov Alexander Vladimirovich, PhD in Biology, Deputy, Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Krasnodar Scientific Center for Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine".
  2. Basova Natalia Yurievna, Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, leading researcher, Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Krasnodar Scientific Center for Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine".
  3. Staroselov Mikhail Alexandrovich, PhD in Veterinary, leading researcher, Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Krasnodar Scientific Center for Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine".