Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2022, № 100

UDC: 631.811:635-611
GSNTI: 68.29.21

Comparative evaluation of various growth regulators in the cultivation technology of the melon variety Osen, selection of the Bykovskaya melon breeding experimental station

This work reflects the actual problem of obtaining crops in arid and sharply continental conditions in the field of growing melons on non-irrigated soil. Due to the low amount of precipitation in the spring-summer period, starting from the germination phase and up to the harvest, the quality indicators of the grown fruits are lost. The author has set a goal - to increase productivity and biochemical parameters, through the use of modern drugs - growth regulators. The main goal was to obtain comparative results of using regulators separately for soaking seeds and separately for double foliar treatment of plants. The study was conducted in the conditions of the branch of the FSBI FNCO "Bykovskaya melon-breeding experimental station". The increase in the yield of melons is achieved through the use of a number of agrotechnical techniques: snow retention, deep plowing for winter, timely processing and harvesting speed, as well as anti-erosion measures. The problem of unstable harvests has become possible to solve with the help of special biological preparations. These drugs have low toxicity to the consumer and a small application dosage, as well as the ability to help farmers even in the zone of risky farming. We have studied and introduced into the technology of growing melons in conditions of non-irrigated nutrition preparations that regulate the growth and development of plants on an organic basis [1, 2, 3]. Special attention was paid to growth regulators when growing melons in rain-fed conditions. The preparations were used for various treatments: seeds before sowing, to study the effect on germination, growth strength and germination energy, as well as for double foliar treatment of plants during the weaving phase and before their closure in the aisle.The use of these regulators contributes to increasing competitiveness by increasing quality indicators, such as yield and biochemistry of fruits. Studies have shown that potassium humate during two subsequent plant treatments for vegetation showed the best result in yield and amounted to 9.3 tons per hectare. The article also pays attention to the biochemical composition of melon fruits.
Keywords: Melon, growth regulators, foliar processing, yield, agricultural technology.
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-100-193-198


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  1. Shaposhnikova Milena Viktorovna, junior scientific, Bykovskaya melon selection experimental station - branch of FSBSI "Federal Scientific Center for Vegetable Growing".
  2. Shaposhnikov Dmitry Sergeevich, researcher, Bykovskaya melon selection experimental station - branch of FSBSI "Federal Scientific Center for Vegetable Growing".
  3. Kurunina Dina Pavlovna, researcher, Bykovskaya melon selection experimental station - branch of FSBSI "Federal Scientific Center for Vegetable Growing".