Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2022, № 100

UDC: 633.82:665.52
GSNTI: 68.35.57

Productivity and biochemical evaluation of different Nigella L. genotypes

The evaluation of the productivity of nigella samples, the biochemistry of oils and mineral elements of 8 genotypes, 2 of which originate from the Crimea was the purpose of the research. The genotypes from Dagestan, Pakistan and Sweden differed in seed productivity - 1.6-1.0 g/plant, which is 2.7-1.7 times more than the Krymchanka variety. The seed productivity of the Yalita variety was 1.5 times higher than the sample from Belgium. The highest fatty oil content was observed in Nigella indica 29.9%, which exceeded other species - Nigella sativa and Nigella damascena (Yalita variety) by 16-22%. In essential oil N. sativa the dominant components were p-cymene - 54% and timohynon - 19%, and in the essential oil of N. damascena, p-cymol - 82% was noted. There was a high accumulation of elements in 5 genotypes: two in leaves (at > from Uzbekistan) and three in seeds (at> from Belgium); two in leaves (at> from Russia, Yalita variety) and two in seeds (at> from India); one in Mn in leaves (from Belgium) and three in seeds (at > from Pakistan). The accumulation of Fe, Cu, Zn, Mo by nigella genotypes depended on the origin of the sample. The high accumulation of elements was in genotypes: for K 5, of which two in leaves (with > from Uzbekistan, up to 26.5 wt.%) and three in seeds (with > from Belgium, up to 14.2 wt., %); for Ca 4 - two in leaves (with > from Russia, variety Yalita, up to 14.2 wt., %) and two in seeds (with > from India, up to 13.1 wt., %); for Mn 4 - one in leaves (from Belgium 0.7 wt., %) and three in seeds (with > from Pakistan, up to 0.5 wt., %); for Fe 4 - one in leaves (with> from India, 1.3 wt., %) and three in seeds (with> from Belgium, up to 0.9 wt., %); for Cu 9 - two in leaves (with> from Uzbekistan and Pakistan, up to 1.4 wt.%) and seven in seeds 0.4-0.5% in all genotypes, Belgium; for Zn 9 - two in leaves (with > from Russia variety Yalita up to 6.1 wt., %) and seven in seeds (with > from Russia, variety Krymchanka and Uzbekistan, up to 1.6 wt. %); for Mo 4 - two in leaves (with> from Uzbekistan, up to 5.8 wt., %) and two in seeds (with> from Pakistan, up to 4.0 wt., %).
Keywords: Samples, Nigella genotypes, leaves, seeds, fatty and essential oils, mineral elements, electron microscopic scanning, energy dispersion X-ray diffraction analysis.
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-100-150-157


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  1. Nemtinov Victor Illarionovich, DSc in Agriculture, chief researcher, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Saince "Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture of the Crimea".
  2. Kostanchuk Yuliya Nikolaevna, senior researcher, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Saince "Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture of the Crimea".
  3. Pekhova Olga Antonovna, PhD in Agriculture, leading researcher, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Saince "Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture of the Crimea".
  4. Timasheva Lidia Alekseevna, PhD in Agriculture, senior researcher, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Saince "Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture of the Crimea".
  5. Katskaya Alyona Grigoryevna, PhD in Agriculture, researcher, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Saince "Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture of the Crimea".
  6. Motyleva Svetlana Mikhailovna, PhD in Agriculture, associate professor, Leading researcher, Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Federal Scientific Breeding and Technological Center of Horticulture and Nursery".