Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2022, № 100

UDC: 631.31:631.5
GSNTI: 68.35.03

Assessment of alfalfa varieties for productivity in the conditions of the RSO-Alania foothill zone

The priority direction in the development of the agro-industrial complex of the Republic of RSO-Alania is crop production and animal husbandry, in this regard, the need for forage crops is increasing. Alfalfa occupies a leading place among the crops used to obtain renewable sources of protein and energy-saturated feeds, means of biological reclamation of agricultural land, is used to preserve and increase soil fertility. The purpose of the research is to study economically valuable traits of seed production and feed value of various alfalfa varieties in the conditions of the Russian Federation. The fodder and seed productivity of alfalfa cultivars of various ecological and geographical origin in the conditions of RSO-Alania has been studied. Records and observations were carried out according to generally accepted methods. Promising varieties of alfalfa have been bred, combining high feed value and seed productivity. According to the indicators of seed productivity, the Lada variety was distinguished. In this variety, the amount of green mass, dry matter and seed productivity are combined in the best way. According to the number of stems per 1 m2, the Lada and Nakhodka varieties stood out. In these varieties, the number of productive stems was 110-120 pcs/ m2, the number of internodes was 18 pcs. In the Vega 87 sample, the number of internodes was 14 pcs. respectively. In terms of the number of stems, 2 alfalfa samples reliably exceeded the standard: Pasture 88 and Lada, in terms of the yield of green mass and foliage Lada and Nakhodka by 5-7. The selected cultivars can be used in the selection of adaptive alfalfa varieties as sources of economically valuable traits.
Keywords: Alfalfa, animal husbandry, forage crops, seed productivity, varities, green mass.
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-100-116-121


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  1. Doguzova Nino Nodarovna, junior researcher, Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science Federal Scientific Center "Vladikavkaz Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences".