Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2020, № 84

UDC: 634.141.581.4:631.526.3:347.77.028.4
GSNTI: 68.35.53

Morphological and biological characteristics of Chаenomeles Lindl. and their importance for variety testing on distinctness, uniformity and stability

Detailed analysis of research's results for morphological and biological characteristics of 7 new chaenomeles cultivars has been given in the article. Their importance for cultivar testing on difference, similarity and stability as main criteria of cultivar has been determined. Analysis of the morphological characteristics of the bushes shows that the growth force corresponds to the average height of the plant for most cultivar and the low height for cultivar Mimka. The shape of the crown is semi-sprawling and sprawling and only cultivar Kandeya has upright crown. branches do not have thorns (Mimka), with rare thorns (Dimitrina), with thorns. Differences of cultivars by length, shape and other characteristics of the leaf are noted. Flower diameter is large. The main color of the petals is red for cultivars Mimka, Stats-Dama and Graf de Ramok, pink for Krasavitsa Madlen, dark-red for Dimitrina, creamy white for Kandeya and white and pink for Perunika. The type of the flower is simple, except cultivars Krasavitsa Madlen and Graf de Ramok. Their flowers are semi-double. The fruit shape in cultivars varies from flattened rounded, rounded, ovoid to cylindrical. The size of the fruits for all cultivars is average. The fruit color is yellow, except cultivar Perunika with yellow-green fruits. The time of blossom of most chaenomeles cultivars is average except Perunika and Kandeya. They have early and late period of blossom respectively. these cultivars satisfy the criteria of difference, similarity and stability, as evidenced by the conclusions of experts of the State Commission for the cultivars testing confirmed by the patents.
Keywords: Сhаenomeles, cultivar, morphological and biological characteristics, similarity, difference, stability.
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-84-173-178


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  1. Kantsayeva Umamat Israpilivna, Phd in Agriculture,, Senior Researcher, FSBSI "Nikita Botanical Gardens - National Scientific Center, Russian Academy of Sciences".
  2. Komar-Tyomnaya Larisa Dmitrievna, Phd in Biology, Leading Researcher, FSBSI "Nikita Botanical Gardens - National Scientific Center, Russian Academy of Sciences".