Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2020, № 82

UDC: 633.11„324”:631.8:631.432.3
GSNTI: 68.29.07

Influence of fertilizer systems and predators on the yield of winter wheat on Leached Chernozem

Winter wheat is a leading crop. In the experiment, a variety of winter wheat Yuka was studied after various predecessors (peas and corn for silage). In relation to the control variant, three fertilizer systems were studied: recommended, biologized and calculated. The following were used as mineral fertilizers: ammonium nitrate, ammophos, nitro ammophos. During the growing season of winter wheat, it was noted that the reaction of the soil solution decreased during the tillering-earing phase, and an increase was noted towards the full ripeness phase. On average, in the experiment, fertilizer systems and the studied precursors had a multidirectional effect on the soil solution reaction. In the variants with the recommended and calculated fertilizer system, regardless of the studied precursor, the soil reaction value significantly decreased by 0.21-0.35 units compared to the control; in the variants with a biologized fertilizer system, there was no reliable decrease in the pH of the soil solution during the growing season, and on average, in experiment, it matched the values from the control variant.
Keywords: Fertilizer system, precursors, winter wheat, peas, corn for silage
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-82-59-63


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  1. Gromova Natalya Viktorovna, Senior Lecturer; Department of Agrochemistry and Plant Physiology, FSBEI HE "Stavropol State Agrarian University".
  2. Belovolova Alla Anatolyevna, Phd in Agriculture, Associate Professor; Department of Agrochemistry and Plant Physiology, FSBEI HE "Stavropol State Agrarian University".
  3. Sigida Maxim Sergeevich, Phd in Agriculture, Associate Professor; Department of Agrochemistry and Plant Physiology, FSBEI HE "Stavropol State Agrarian University".
  4. Ageev Valentin Vasilievich, DSc in Agriculture, Professor; Department of Agrochemistry and Plant Physiology, FSBEI HE "Stavropol State Agrarian University".