Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2019, № 80

UDC: 633.18:631.52:631.523
GSNTI: 68.35.03

Evaluation of rice starting material by the amylose content in the grain when breeding lowand mediumamylose varieties

The task was to evaluate the source material of rice by the content of amylose in the starch of grains of low-and medium-amylose varieties. The aim of the study was to study the biochemical characteristics of the grain quality of varieties of selection in the Institute of rice. The rice varieties grown at the rice research Institute (Belozerny settlement) in 2013-2017 were studied.the assessment of rice varieties RAPAN, Flagship, Patriot, Swallow, Idol, Zlata on the content of amylose and culinary advantages was carried out. The starch amylose content was determined according to GOST ISO 6447-2-2015, the culinary merits of the varieties were determined by the little sample 23 hours after soaking the rice kernels in a solution of 1.7% KOH in accordance with the scale data. A special role in the formation of culinary qualities of rice cereals belongs to amylose (a component of starch). According to the content of amylose, rice varieties are divided into high amylose (above 30.0%), moderately high amylose (26.0-27.0%), medium amylose (21.0-25.0%), low amylose (10.0-20.0%), very low amylose (2.0-9.0%) and glutinous (0.0% amylose). It is shown that during the years of research the amylose content in the group of low-amylose varieties is slightly higher in the harvest of 2013, the amylose content in the group of medium-amylose rice varieties was higher in the Swallow and varied from 22.5% to 24.0% (2013-2017). Idol on the content of amylose in the harvest of 2014 entered the group of low amylose, its content was 19.0%. In Zlata, the content of amylose varied over the years from 21.9% to 23.5%, which causes the crumbly consistency of cooked cereals. With an increase in the amount of amylose, the culinary characteristics increase. For example, rice varieties RAPAN and Flagship are recommended for use for cooking cereals and Japanese dishes, and rice varieties Idol, Zlata and Swallow for cooking risotto, paella, pilaf, side dishes.
Keywords: Variety, rice, amylose content, quality, consumer values, Little’s test
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-80-162-166


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  1. Kumeiko Tatyana Borisovna, Phd in Agriculture, senior scientist, FSBSI "All-Russian Rice Research Institute".
  2. Tumanyan Natalia Georgievna, DSc in Biology, professor, FSBSI "All-Russian Rice Research Institute".