Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2018, № 73

UDC: 635.976. 861
GSNTI: 68.35

The peculiarities of creation and cultivation of Large flowered Climber and Schrub roses of the Nikita botanical gardens breeding in the conditions of the south of Russia

The breeding work to create the new cultivars from the garden group of climbing roses was started in the Nikita Botanical Gardens in 1924. And - after a longtime interval in it- it was resumed in 1955. Since the second half of XX century there have been done the breeding research of representatives of garden groups of Largeflowered Climberroses and Schrub roses as well. The cultivars of Largeflowered Climber and Schrub roses have wide prospects to use them in a landscape design, includingvertical greening. Thebreeding work objective was the creation of the cultivars, which were resistant to fungus deceases, and had high decorative qualities with a remontant form and abundant flowering. Taking into account xeromorphal climatic conditions of the Southern Coast of the Crimea with extra sunshine insolation, the new cultivars should be bred as draught-resistant ones, with sunfast coloring and nondrying and non-deformable in the sun petals. As the result of a long-term breeding introductive research the species and cultivars have been educed, which are the donors of the valuable biological characteristics in creation of the cultivars of the two garden groups, and also a high efficiency of using in breeding some methods of hybridization (intervarietal and distant) and experimental mutagenesis, which allow to diversify greatly the profile of fabricated processes and reduce the timescales of varieties’ breeding. Using the methods, 36 cultivars and perspective hybrid and mutant forms: 13 ones from the Largeflowered Climber garden group and 23 ones from the group Schrub roses have been bred to use them in differenttypes of greening in the conditions of the South of Russia. 4 cultivars out of this number are listed in the Public register of breeding achievements of the Russian Federation.
Keywords: Distant hybridization, intervarietal hybridization, mutagenesis, cultivar, vertical grening, garden rose groups
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-73-90-94


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  1. Klimenko Zinaida Konstantinovna, DSc in Biology, Professor, Chief Resarcher; Laboratory of floriculture, Federal State Institution of Science "Order of the Labour Red Banner Nikita Botanical Gardens - National Scientific Center Russian Academy of Science".
  2. Zykova Vera Konstantinovna, PhD in Biology, Senior Researcher; Laboratory of floriculture, Federal State Institution of Science "Order of the Labour Red Banner Nikita Botanical Gardens - National Scientific Center Russian Academy of Science".