Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2018, № 73

UDC: 634. 25.581.4:631.526.3:347.77.028.4
GSNTI: 68.35.03

Morphological and biological characteristics of peach [Рrunus Persica (L.) Batsch] and their importance for variety examination on difference, similarity and stability (DSS)

Detailed analysis of researches results for morphological and biological characteristics of 12 peach varieties has been given in the article. Their importance for variety examination on difference, similarity and stability as main criteria of variety has been determined. Analysis of the morphological characteristics of the tree and leaves shows that in all varieties the growth force of the tree corresponds to the average height of the plant. The shape of the crown is semi-pyramidal and sprawling. Leaf plate is medium and long. The leaf plate (width) is medium and wide. The narrow leaves are distinguished by the varieties of Yuzhnaya Garmoniya. The color of the leaf plate is green for all investigated varieties. The angle at the base of the leaf plate according to the varieties covers the whole spectrum of the manifestation of features: acute, straight or almost straight, blunt. Length of petiole: short and medium. The size of the peach fruit of the studied cultivars varies from medium to large. The main color of the skin varies from creamy white (variety Krymsky Diamant ) to cream (Krymsky Sonnet and Sonata Tavridy) and yellow (all other varieties). The cover color of the varieties corresponds to pink-red, light red, red and dark red. The main color of the pulp for the studied white varieties has Krymsky Diamant, Krymsky Sonnet and Sonata Tavridy and yellow color has the remaining varieties. All investigated varieties are pubescent. The degree of pubescence varies from very rare and rare to medium. The size of the fruit stone is average for all studied varieties. It should also be noted that absolutely all 12 varieties are characterized by a sign - the bone is attached to the pulp. Although the degree of attachment of the stone to the pulp is different - from weak to medium to strong. The stone shape on face is obovate (variety Krymsky Diamont and Persey). The all other studied varieties have elongated shape of the stone on face. The flowering time for all varieties of peach is average. Thus, the analysis of the results of long-term studies of morphological and biological characteristics of peach varieties allowed to conclude that these varieties satisfy the criteria of difference, similarity and stability as evidenced by the opinions of the experts of the State Commission for Testing Varieties.
Keywords: peach, variety, morphological and biological characteristics, similarity, difference, stability
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-73-76-80


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  1. Kantsayeva Umamat Israpilovna, Phd in Agriculture, senior research worker, head of sector of patent and license work, Federal State Institution of Science "Order of the Labour Red Banner Nikita Botanical Gardens - National Scientific Center Russian Academy of Science".