Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2017, № 66

UDC: 330 330.34
GSNTI: 06.71.07

Efficiency of applying chemical plant protection means in the technology of growing winter wheat seeds on erosional agrolandscapes of Orenburg region

The system of farm crops seed production is interrelated not only with the selection of new crop varieties, but also with other science fields, and primarily with agriculture, which determines the system crop rotations, predecessors with a set of crops adaptive to soil fertility and differentiated placement, depending on the soil and climatic peculiarities of the zone. Of great importance in the productivity of agrocenoses is the cultivation technology of a particular crop or its variety. The analysis of long-term data showed that it was cereals that had the advantage in the structure of sown areas in the Orenburg region (1913 - 83,7%, 2013 - 65,8%), with winter crops accounting for 19,3 and 14,4% of the total area of grain crops. In the structure of winter crops in the period of 1932-1990, the advantage in the sowing area was for winter rye (99,7 to 88,3%), and in 2005-2013 - for winter wheat. As result of studies conducted it has been established that by the use of intensified technologies of winter wheat production under the extreme conditions of Preduralye, with application of complex plant protection means to control diseases, pests and weeds in the fallow and grain crop rotation, it is possible to increase the yields by 1,7-1,8 times. Moreover, the quality of winter wheat grain can be increased from grade 5 to grade 3, which has a positive impact on the profitability of seed production.
Keywords: Structure of sowing area, grain crops, winter crops, cultivation technology, economics, profitability
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-66-15-19


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  1. Ageyev Vyacheslav Mikhaylovich, postgrduate, Orenburg State University.
  2. Dubachinskaya Nina Nikonorovna, Doctor of Agriculture, Professor, Orenburg State University.
  3. Dubachinskiy Sergey Nikolayevich, Candidate of Science, regional representative, Strube GmbH8Co.KG.