Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2016, № 62

UDC: 664.64.014: 633.112.9
GSNTI: 68.35.29

Using of Micsolab appliance at the early stages of selection of triticale for quality

Studies were conducted to examine the possibility of using modern appliance of Micsolab produced by CHOPIN Technologies (France) as a rapid method at the early stages of selection of triticale to obtain information on grain quality, based on which one can determine the target use of the perspective lines of the crop. Breeding material of spring triticale was tested as milled grain (23 samples) at modern standardized (ICC№173 and GOST R 54498-2011) appliance of Micsolab by the indices of profiler, which characterize the test rheology estimating the protein-carbohydrate complex of a sample. Previously a complete technological evaluation of these samples was held, in order to select the best breeding lines for comparison of their indices with the Micsolab appliance. High-grain unit kernels of spring triticale formed on the average 13,3% of protein, over 18% of gluten of the first or second quality group by the IDC. At high dilution of the dough (mean value of 234 e.f.) the volume of pan bread (bread was baked according to the procedure of the State Commission for wheat flour) on average was 510 cm3 varying from 400 cm3 to 680 cm3 with shape stability from 0,46 to 0,67, which is equivalent to strong wheat bred. The best lines of spring triticale were characterized by high protein content in grain (13-14%), in gluten - 18% of the second quality group. The dough dilution index by farinograph was high (220-230 e.f.), flour strength was low - 60-81 e.a. However, the bread was good, the volume of pan bread - at the level of 590 cm-620 cm3, with shape stability of 0,55-0,60. Considering the indices obtained via the Micsolab appliance, the imaging of these samples was done in order to receive a rheological passport, which can be used for evaluation of breeding lines of triticale for quality. Best lines of spring triticale allocated in terms of the quality of grain and flour, had similar graphic profile. However, so far it is difficult to predict baking qualities of triticale, using milled grain and Micsolab appliance.
Keywords: Grain, milled grain, grain unit, protein, gluten, physical analysis of dough, Micsolab, profiler indexes, bread volume
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-62-78-83


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  1. Bukreyeva Galina Ivanovna, head of the Department of technology and biochemistry of grain, Krasnodar Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture named after P.P.Lukyanenko.
  2. Domchenko Milaniya Ivanovna, sr. researcher, Krasnodar Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture named after P.P.Lukyanenko.
  3. Kovtunenko Viktor Yakovlevich, Dr. of agricultural sciences, chief scientific officer, Krasnodar Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture named after P.P.Lukyanenko.
  4. Panchenko Vladimir Vladimirovich, PhD in agriculture, sr. researcher, Krasnodar Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture named after P.P.Lukyanenko.