Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2016, № 62

UDC: 631.354
GSNTI: 68.01.91

In addition to the refinement of harvesting processes and to the crop losses reduction

We have analyzed the disadvantages of the applied technologies and the technical means of crop harvesting. Our attention has been focused on the terms of harvesting, the quality of the obtained grain crop and its losses. There has been presented the dependence of winter wheat grain losses upon the duration of harvesting in calendar days. The acquired dependence has been used for the optimization of the need in combine harvesters of different classes and ways of harvesting for alternative technology options. We have suggested a solution to the problem of the cost reduction and the crop losses during the harvesting. The solution is based on a new methodology of a complex highly productive grain crop harvesting with a simultaneous implementation of the main postharvest tasks (stubble sowing of green manure and other intermediate crops, tillage with simultaneous fertilizing, postharvest grain treatment, storage of chaff and straw in required volumes and etc.). There have been suggested the principles of the problem solution on the basis of a multilevel system approach in the context of resource saving. The object of the research introduces the processes of a complex grain crop harvesting which is combined with technological operations by means of flexible mechanization facilities represented by completely new multipurpose assemblies (MPA). Within the proposed principles of the cost and crop losses reduction during harvesting, besides the use of MPA, we have suggested introduction of new ways of harvesting by means of standing crop tow and unwinnowed grain as well as serial reliable aspiration sieve separator of thrashed heap (MH-230 manufactured in Canada). In the course of harvesting organization motor transport is replaced by storage-conveyer hoppers with an automated accounting system of grain milled by each combine harvester; there have been suggested 5-6 sorts of winter wheat with different ripening terms, provided it takes 5 days to harvest one term, which allows to increase the optimal harvesting duration by 5-6 times; rational structure of working shifts when using MPA and the scheme of field preparation before operating MPA.
Keywords: Сrop harvesting, tractor, combine harvester, multipurpose assembly, powerinputs, mechanization
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-62-176-182


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  1. Maslov Gennady Georgievich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, I.T. Trubilin Kuban State Agrarian University.
  2. Heifetz Abram Borisovich, Master’s degree student, I.T. Trubilin Kuban State Agrarian University.