Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2016, № 62

UDC: 631.8.633.18
GSNTI: 61.49.37/68.35.29

Hydrogumin drug influence on rice growth and development, yielding capacity and grain quality

Rice yielding capacity largely depends on the activity of growth and morphogenetic processes. One of the ways to enhance these processes is the treatment of seeds before sowing and vegetative plants growth regulators. The purpose of the study was to investigate the effects of Hydrogumin drug, when processing the seeds (the consumption rate of the drug - 250 and 500 ml/t, working solution - 10 l/t) and plants at the tillering stage (the consumption rate of 250 and 500 ml/ha, working solution - 100 l/ha) on growth and development, yielding capacity and technological parameters of grain quality. These studies showed that Hydrogumin drug stimulates the growth of rice plants in height, the growth of biomass and dry mass of aboveground organs. Formation of the larger in length and width leaves on the plants of the experimental variants led to a significant increase in leaf surface. Increase of the growth and assimilation processes in the variants with Hydrogen drug had a positive impact on the formation of yield structure elements. In the experimental variants larger in length and osamenost panicles were formed, which contributed to a significant increase in the weight of grain from a plant. The latter has led to a reliable increase in the crop yield of 9,7-13,7%. Along with this, in the experimental variants larger and more finished grain with a lower fractures percentage was formed. The highest yield increase of rice grain (13,7%, with yields in the control and 70,8 kg/ha) of good quality was obtained in the variant with seed and plant treatment in the tillering stage with Hydrogumin drug at a dose of 500 ml/t/ha (working solution consumption - 10 l/t and 100 l/ha).
Keywords: Rice, Hydrogumin drug, growth, photosynthesis, crop structure, yielding capacity, grain quality
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-62-127-132


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  1. Сhernisheva Natalya Victorovna, PhD in biology, associate professor, I.T. Trubilin Kuban State Agrarian University.
  2. Barchukova Alla Yacovlevna, PhD in biology. associate professor, I.T. Trubilin Kuban State Agrarian University.
  3. Dirin Vyacheslav Vasilievich, Director, CHYPR «BIOCHIM», Belarus.