Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2016, № 62

UDC: 581.1: 633. 11
GSNTI: 34.31:31.27

Photosynthetic and biochemical assessment of winter wheat varieties productivity

The aim is to study in comparative aspect features of photosynthetic activity, quality and productivity of grains in various new varieties of winter wheat: Yuka, Adele and Thunder. To achieve the objectives defined leaf area, photosynthetic potential and net photosynthesis productivity rate of photosynthesis - to change the carbon content in leaves quality grain of winter wheat was determined by the content of protein nitrogen Barnshteynu and amino acid composition of protein chromatography techniques on paper, keeping the harvest was carried out according to the procedure of state strain testing of crops. The largest area of ​​opto-biological systems observed in grade Thunder, then in a decreasing extent in grades Adele and Yuka. The value of AF at highest grade Thunder - 1,49 million m2 per day / ha, and in the variety Adele is 1,31 million m2 per day / ha, the variety Yuka - 1,24 million m2 per day / ha.. According to IF and PEF has high values Thunder Class - 136 mg C / dm2, and 5,14 g / m2 per day, followed by Adele and Yuka. The protein content in winter wheat grains ranges from 15,5 to 15,9, depending on the variety. The highest protein content observed in Thunder grade, the lowest - in the variety Yuka. The greatest amount of amino acids (91,3) observed in proteins grain varieties Thunder, and the least amount of amino acids (84,5%) observed in the proteins of the grain varieties Yuka. Accounting for yield and yield structure analysis allows to allocate from Thunder studied varieties. The studies found that the quantity and quality of the harvest are consistent with the photosynthetic activity of wheat.
Keywords: Leaf area, net photosynthetic productivity, the rate of photosynthesis, amino acid composition of the protein grain
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-62-121-126


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  1. Khashagulgova Makka Ahmetovna, PhD in biology, associate professor, Ingush State University.
  2. Khashagulgov Umar Akhmetovich, kand.s.-h. nauk, associate professor, Ingush State University.
  3. Slonov Lyudin Hachimovich, Dr. biol., Professor, Kabardino-Balkarian State University.