Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2016, № 62

UDC: 633.2/4.631.32
GSNTI: 68.35.03

Harmonization of biochemical profile data and of new perennial grasses varieties reproduction places

Principles of formation of sources with a complex of biological and economic valuable signs for creation of new grades, for example, on a red clover, red fescue , with the raised adaptability to adverse factors of environment are offered. Their basis make: 1. Use of the biogeochemical and bioclimatic approach in selection on tolerance to pathogens at selection of samples of long-term grasses from various places of a phytogeny: 2. Formation of synthetic populations on the basis of cooperation with leading Russian laboratories of Russia. 3. Identification valuable samples a various origin on level of a magnetic induction (mkTl). The grade red fescue Northern 32, registered in the State registry as the turf sample and allocated on the decorative qualities, in weak or average degree is damaged by ordinary root decay (Bipolaris sorokiniana (Sacc.) Shoemaker (=Helminthosporium sativum Pam., King et Bakke). Differentiation of sprouts red fescue a various origin on level of a magnetic induction (mkTl ) is studied. The slowed down growth stalk in three weeks of vegetation at the Danish sample 30 (14) is noted at increase of a magnetic induction to 120-300 mkTl. At a new grade of Northern 32 reproductions from Komi the Russian Federation low indicators on intensity of a magnetic field were more suitable to vegetation.
Keywords: Ecology-genetic factors, red clover, red fescue
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-62-101-105


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  1. Pozdnyakov V.A., the Dr. of agricultural sciences, the manager. Laboratory of selection of long-term grasses, FSBSI the Leningrad scientific research institute of agriculture of "Belogorka".
  2. Bekusheva T.N., the ml. sc. employee, FSBSI the Leningrad scientific research institute of agriculture of "Belogorka".
  3. Pozdnyakov A.V., the expert, FSBSI the Leningrad scientific research institute of agriculture of "Belogorka".