Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2016, № 58

UDC: 619:618, 14-002-085: 636. 22/28
GSNTI: 68.41.49;68.41.45;68.41.05

Morphofunctional condition of the uterus blood vessels in pregnant females in the condition of inactivity

Adaptation of the circulatory system in pregnant animals is not limited to the restructuring of the vessels of the uterus, the diameter of other abdominal vessels increases significantly as well. The greatest alteration is in the veins, the vein diameter 4 times exceeds the diameter of the artery. The fetus can cause adaptive response in the mother's body during inactivity, providing the necessary conditions for its life. Violation of the venous outflow is the most pathogenic for the life of fetuses, this can cause placental abruption and fetal loss due to violations of the utero-placental circulation with subsequent hypoxia. Adaptation of the mother's body during inactivity is largely aimed at increasing the capacity of the vascular bed, which allows the body to successfully reallocate the increased towards the end of pregnancy mass of circulating blood, thus providing the necessary conditions for the life of the fetus.
Keywords: Physical inactivity, year-round stabling, pregnancy, alteration, adaptation, uterus, vascular system, hemodynamics, fetus viability, the heart rate


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  2. Белобороденко, А. М. Репродуктивная активность коров в условиях гиподинамии / А. М. Белобороденко, М. А. Белобороденко, Т. А. Белобороденко // Теорет. и приклад, основы ресурсоснабжения в сельском хоз-ве: Тезисы докладов. - Тюмень, 1999. - С. 195-196.
  3. Белобороденко, А. М. Вынужденная гиподинамия как фактор бесплодия коров / А. М. Белобороденко // Аграрный вестник Урала. - Екатеринбург. - 2011. - № 7 (86). - С. 15-18.


  1. Beloborodenko Michael Anatolyevich, Doctor of veterinary sciences, Professor, State agrarian University of Northern Zauralye.
  2. Beloborodenko Tatiana Anatolyevna, Doctor of veterinary sciences, Professor, State agrarian University of Northern Zauralye.
  3. Beloborodenko Anatoly Mikhailovich, Doctor of veterinary sciences, Professor, head of faculty of internal noncontagious diseases, State agrarian University of Northern Zauralye.
  4. Beloborodenko Dmitry Fedorovich, veterinarian, State agrarian University of Northern Zauralye.
  5. Gubsky Vladimir Ivanovich, veterinarian, State agrarian University of Northern Zauralye.
  6. Dyomkina Anastasia Vladimirovna, senior laboratory, State agrarian University of Northern Zauralye.
  7. Pisareva Julia Andreevna, veterinarian, Kuban State Agrarian University.
  8. Dubrovin Ivan Igorevich, veterinarian, Kuban State Agrarian University.
  9. Rodin Igor Alekseevich, Doctor of veterinary sciences, Professor department of anatomy, Kuban State Agrarian University.